
Get Paid, Get Paper, Spend That Paper on a Dictionary

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Created by lol.

That's Lacist!

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All About Me

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Twitter Trolls Are Unleashing Dungeons & Dragons Fury On Republicans With New Trending Hashtag

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Somebody Call an Ambulance, He's Had a Stroke

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Hello? Lawn Police? I'd Like to Report a Burglary ...

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Created by Unknown

One Less Swagtard to Deal With

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Never Stick Your Mind in Crazy

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Created by MoralDilemmas

What a Time to Be Alive

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Created by Unknown
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These Family Genes are Strong Enough to Withstand the Internet Trying to Decipher Which is the Mom

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I Thought This Only Happened on TV!

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"Sir, You Don't Look 18 to Me..."

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Pro Tip: Conquering Your Fear of the Dark

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Please Observe This Actual Tweet From Presidential Candidate Donald Trump

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