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These 14 Pictures Are All the Proof You Need That Chris Pratt Easily Has the Best Instagram out There

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The Big G Loves Penalties

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Created by Fluttershys_the1

A Social Network within a Social Network

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Who Ya Gonna Call?

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Created by welshyc

Save Me Froum the Unplesentnes of Reding Ur Status

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Created by Unknown

What is This "Privacy" You Speak Of?

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Someone Tried to Call Out Justin Timberlake's Love of the Memphis Grizzlies, JT Shuts it Down Immediately

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Via @jtimberlake

What Did We JUST Say?

Via Acid Cow

What Has Stephen Hawking Ever Done for US, Hmmm?

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Created by sillypoopmachine

Not Normal

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Welcome to the Singles' Club

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I Can't Tell if That's Good or Bad

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Heartfelt Video of the Day: This Father is Appealing to Facebook to View His Deceased Son's One Minute Movie

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Grandma Needs a Little Extra Help With Her Phone

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