
This Couldn't be a More Ironic Spelling Error if You Tried

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Via aerohostile

Well When You Put It That Way...

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Created by Unknown

Facebook: Breaking New Ground in Romance Since Never

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Resistance is Futile!

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We Want to Believe - Yahoo Answers

Yahoo Answers NASA space battles covered up by thunderstorms they invented?
Via Runt of the Web
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Oblivious Grandma Fails Miserably, Accidentally Skewers Her Grandson With Brutal Birthday Card

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Sure, "Autocorrect."

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Created by Chrisparlamas
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Thanks of the Day: Donald Trump Gives Himself His Own “Thanks Obama,” So Twitter Thanks Donald

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Jen Was Not Missed

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With That Behavior, You'll Meet Gramma Real Soon

Product - 87% 11:01 AM added 7 new photos - and with Yesterday at 11:00 PM Edited Had to have a beer for gramma !:) I miss you so much n will always remember your stories and your awesome personality! I love you! Cheers Gramma olson:) 6 Likes GHT LIGHT
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Thanks for Nothing, China!

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Middle School Philosophers

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Watching Lightning Strike the Gulf of Mexico is a Reminder That Mother Nature Will Do Whatever It Wants

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Can We Evolve to Have Wifi Next?

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I'll Take That as a No

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