
You're Just Now Realizing This?

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#Brand Anything

Via kanedaniel

He DOES Get Around!

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We Could Not Find a Translation for Your Request

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Created by MELODlE
Twitter thread on canned chicken and English and American food | Francisco Garcia @Ffranciscodgf Always mad Americans talk down British food because don't do fluffernutters just right like their mommy does, yet this is normal and also somehow legal them kitchens Sweet Sue Canned Whole Chicken PLE FAL HOME ST GOOD Fully Cooked

Cultures Clash In Canned Chicken Thread

Goodbye food pyramid, hello food cylinder.
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Created by ROG_SQUA

We Call That a Bazinga, or Something

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Created by guiltybillstickers

Good Job, Everyone!

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You'd Better Fix Your Lag

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Nobody Bothered to Pay Attention to the Obvious Spelling Mistake

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Via Reddit
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Irritated Starbucks Customer Bro Has the Perfect Live-Tweet Reaction to Girl Ordering Batch of 'Unicorn Frappuccinos'

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The Last Name Here is Incredibly Misleading

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Created by crazyjae

It Will Cost You on the Way Out

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I See What You Did There

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C'mon In!

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It Was That Bad

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