Dating Fails

Welcome to the Single Life

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Via gnomeowner

Not the Best Pickup Line

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Via My Dating Shenanigans

But ISN'T She? I Mean Come On.

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Created by _AfterDarkness_ ( Via The Joy of Tech )


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Forever Alone Jacket

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Created by EnzeruSarel ( Via Yahoo! Shine )
Guy shuts down his cheating ex with one brutal text.

Guy Shuts Down Cheating Ex With Savage Text

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The TV Told Me So

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Created by PrincessWordplay

At Some Point You're Just Paying For Sex

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Auto-Served Ads do it Again!

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The Mathematician's Curse

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Via PBF Comics
A new dad ends up leaving the delivery room because his fiancée shouts her ex's name | AITA walking out delivery room while my fianc giving birth? Not hole This happened two weeks ago, my 28M fiance 26F and just had baby boy and 's been difficult already without her being upset with after happened met her at bar used hang out with my friends at dated 8 months, and decided propose she told she pregnant and wanted have baby both agreed on getting married after our baby is born, She introduced my

Dad Leaves Delivery Room Cause Fiancée Shouts Ex's Name

Definitely an awkward moment.
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Batman Wants Your Kisses

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Via Emmy C

We Want it, Man!

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Give That Back!

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Via Space Avalanche

Your Worst First Date Has Nothing on This

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15 Inescapably Cringeworthy Tinder Conversation Moments

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