Monday Thru Friday


Only a Few Hours of Freedom Left

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When Multitasking Goes Too Far

laptops FAIL Multitasking work driving monday thru friday g rated - 8026374144

Sometimes Work is Just a Pain in the...

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Via Google

Modern Job Hunting Problems

jobs work toilet g rated - 7679606784


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Via Pistolfist
Employee changes passwords and then goes on vacation story | Posted by u Morgoth 9 hours ago 2 3 2 35 3 Force take my vacation time dont want and tell secure my station by freshening up my passwords before go? Okay boss. oc s start with, my boss had his moments. Sometimes he dick who would push off on my raises or screw with my system, sometimes he would hook up and make my life pleasant. This not one latter.

Jerk Boss Bumps Vacation, Employee Changes Passwords and Leaves

"If that's what you want me to do boss, okay."
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The Happiest Place on GET BACK TO WORK

bad job cleaning maintenance work - 5341630976
Via I Heart Chaos

By "Work" I Mean "Cat Pics"

Via Dump a Day

Work Makes All of Us Feel This Way Sometimes

Cats Office monday thru friday work g rated - 8074221056

Some Things Never Change

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Via Anders_65

That One Coworker...

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Via graphicleftovers

You Had One Job

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Via Izismile

Feels Like This Whenever Your Work Computer Freezes

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If only IT was this easy...

g rated Hall of Fame it M thru F work - 5567310336

Why You Shouldn't Work on Cover Letters While You're on the Clock

monday thru friday whoops work caption - 8194874368
Via The Messenger

A Frequent Request

monday thru friday retail work books bookstore g rated - 8083296512
Via Retail Hell Underground

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