Monday Thru Friday


"You Backed Right Into Me!"

anger danger horn traffic - 6000566272

Enjoy Your Morning Commute

trolling driving troll face bumper stickers funny traffic monday thru friday g rated - 7461537024

Going for the High Score

driving traffic - 6890532096

This GIF Shows How Public Transportation Can Drastically Reduce Congestion

cars driving gif public transportation morning commute traffic - 7908290560

Surprisingly Sensible Advice

gif commute Actual Advice Mallard 9 to 5 driving morning commute traffic monday thru friday g rated - 7494877440

Office Traffic Solution

awesome funny Office package prank tape traffic - 4619534592
Created by Unknown

Perfect For That Long Commute

monday thru friday commute bubble wrap driving traffic g rated - 8370330368
Via The Meta Picture

Then... Why?...

pointless signs traffic - 7362148864

Only in Australia

australia traffic g rated monday thru friday - 6344551168

The Difference a Minute Makes

driving commute monday thru friday traffic g rated - 8328174848
Via Dump a Day

I'm Swamped With Meetings at Work Also

driving traffic monday thru friday g rated - 7817927936

No. Effing. WAY!

driving roads rain traffic monday thru friday g rated - 7975438848

Today in Things You Can't Do on the Job

fired police pr0n traffic - 5002416640

This is How They Fix Taillights in Russia

driving gif traffic russia - 7966410496

Addendum to Jenning's Corollary

freeway highway traffic Traffic Jam - 6213587200
Via Doghouse Diaries

By "Hero" You Mean Tattle-Tail

traffic - 4247139584
Created by clonetrasher
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