Monday Thru Friday


Make sure to check the tape, just make sure its not Spinal Tape. We might never get rid of that. Take your puns to the next level with these sticky puns and jokes all about tape.

Don't Touch That Dave

hal notes tape - 4257050624

They're the Experts, Right?

monday thru friday work engineering extension cord tape g rated - 8120649728
Via Google


awesome boredom carpet chalk outline creativity in the workplace crime scene cubicle boredom cubicle prank decoration floor homicide intern murder scene prank tape wiseass - 3730455808

Are You Sure You Need to Request So Many Rolls of Tape?

monday thru friday office supplies tape - 8266329856
Via Izismile


anthropomorphic art boredom boring cartoon eyes creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom decoration funny googly eyes hardware office supplies personification scotch tape sculpture tape useless work smarter not harder - 3671080704
Created by zerotoast

Office Prank Friday: Invert Your World

Office office prank office supplies phone prank rubber band tape - 5387570688


art awesome boredom clever creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom cubicle prank homicide joke murder scene passive aggressive prank pwned sass sculpture tape wiseass work smarter not harder - 3245876480

Not Pictured: White-Out (CTRL + ALT + DEL)

office supplies pencils scissors tape white out - 7829663488

Keyboard Shortcuts

tape Paste cut copy scissors eraser - 6657145344
Created by _C_A_T_


arrested development blue cubicle prank tape - 4131726336


cubicle boredom tape - 3643372288
Created by Anachy


anthropomorphic awesome co-workers not boredom cartoon eyes creativity in the workplace creepy cubicle boredom cute decoration depressing imaginary friend personification scotch tape sculpture so lonely tape - 3881111552
Created by Unknown

Apparently, You Can Have Your Tape and Get It Too

g rated Hall of Fame monday thru friday scotch tape tape - 6180443392
Via J-Me Original Design

Mannequin Doesn't Have a Head? Improvise!

monday thru friday poorly dressed retail tape mannequin - 8252149760
Via Izismile

Office Traffic Solution

awesome funny Office package prank tape traffic - 4619534592
Created by Unknown

Keyboard Shortcuts IRL

copy cut eraser Paste scissors tape - 4343089408
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