Monday Thru Friday



awesome co-workers not basic instructions bathroom bathroom politics boredom class clown clever crappy job creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom cubicle prank cubicle rage depressing dickhead co-workers flush gross intern jerk lazy mess paper signs piss pissing everywhere prank pwned sarcasm sass savages screw you signage snark toilet graffiti wiseass work smarter not harder - 3866987264
Created by Patti


art blinds boredom clever creativity in the workplace creepy cubicle boredom cubicle prank decoration happy face paper signs pervert post its prank sass screw you smile sneaky surprise Terrifying window wiseass - 3491416832
Created by Chris


art boredom clever creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom cubicle prank decoration paper signs prank sass signage wasteful wiseass - 3452742656


bug children clever crayons creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom cubicle prank error FAIL glitch hardware ingenuity ink prank printer sass sneaky tampering wiseass - 3334191616


anger management basic instructions cubicle rage dickhead co-workers dickheads dire warning inappropriate official sign paper signs passive aggressive rage sass screw you shelves shot signage warning - 3496613888
Created by Miss_thimble


art boredom cartoons creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom decoration doodle paper signs passive aggressive prank sass signage wiseass - 3516193024
Created by Georges Lefevre

Chair Explained

assinine awesome co-workers not basic instructions boredom chair cubicle boredom dickheads Gravity hardware paper signs passive aggressive ridiculous sass screw you signage wiseass - 3511913472
Created by Guardian_Bob


awesome awesome co-workers not blue boredom clever cubicle prank cubicle rage dickhead co-workers dickheads paper signs peen penis prank profit pwned rage sass screw you signage wiseass work smarter not harder - 3546012416


awesome basic instructions clever creativity in the workplace cubicle rage fire paper signs sass signage Terrifying wiseass work smarter not harder - 3181118208
Created by Jonny


apple boredom clever cubicle boredom cubicle prank ergonomics hardware laser mouse paper signs post it prank sass screw you sneaky wiseass - 3375851264


99 theses awesome awesome co-workers not basic instructions bathroom celeb cubicle rage depressing dickhead co-workers flush gross lazy mess mr t paper signs passive aggressive pee piss pissing everywhere rage reminder sass signage toilet etiquette toilet graffiti urinal wiseass - 3538585856
Created by emystykal24


basic instructions boredom cubicle boredom cubicle fail dirty gross joke paper signs post its sarcasm sass screw you signage wasteful wiseass - 3542515456
Created by Lee


boredom disgruntled hipster irony meta sarcasm sass - 3109716224


art barfing basic instructions bathroom cubicle rage decoration depressing dickhead co-workers dickheads disgusting feces fingerpainting gross mess nasty paper signs pooh poop rage sass screw you signage Terrifying toilet graffiti wiseass - 3560483840
Created by lolbutts

Does this mean we can get hazard pay now?

basic instructions dickhead co-workers dickheads fridge politics kill yourself lazy mess microwave office kitchen paper signs passive aggressive pig sty Sad sass screw you signage slovenly work smarter not harder - 3242379776


awesome co-workers not Balloons balloons are awful biggie smalls birthday boredom cubicle boredom cubicle prank depressing dickhead co-workers dickheads innuendo mess paper signs pink prank pwned sass screw you signage sneaky vagina wiseass - 3342516992
Created by Kismet
1 2 3 4 5

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