Monday Thru Friday

parking lot


parking lot screw you shopping carts supermarket trolling wiseass - 3111569920

Security is a Little Lax Around Here

monday thru friday security parking lot g rated - 8440129792
Via Daily Picks and Flicks

Grocery Store Employees Hate You

grocery store monday thru friday parking lot shopping cart - 8267435520
Via Izismile

Custom Made!

parking parking lot parking space - 6263979008

How Much Construction Equipment Does it Take to Change a Light Bulb?

Via theCHIVE

An Easy Way For Your Business to Rake in the Bad Publicity

monday thru friday parking lot work - 8190151680
Via Toowoomba's Bad Parkers & Drivers Facebook Page

Why Your Parking Lot is Always a Mess

monday thru friday parking space parking lot parking g rated - 8248785152
Via Izismile

It Sure Feels That Way

monday thru friday parking space parking lot loser sign - 8196939776
Via Pleated Jeans

Why Did You Hire Them in the First Place?

monday thru friday warning sign parking lot thief - 8284718848
Via Ryno3639


cart smartcar parking lot shopping cart Walmart - 6655860224

The CEOs Car

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parking lot revenge Video - 43117057

Revenge of the Boom Barrier

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If you're forced to come in on a snow day, this is the best way to get your passive aggression out

commuting driving parking parking lot - 5722772224

Parking Lot Prison

jail parking lot parking space pole prison trapped - 6303778816

Work Around Your Problems

construction monday thru friday parking lot - 8236738816
Via Izismile

Tastes Like Asphalt

parking lot asphalt food - 7552373760
Created by masonfoxmatthews
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