Monday Thru Friday


Can't You Read the Sign? We're Closed!

monday thru friday hours - 8362278656
Via Izismile

Open Whenever We Damn Well Please

hours store hours - 6610493440

Not Exactly Regular Business Hours

hours monday thru friday sign time g rated - 8332805376
Via @bendburgers

Well Then I Be Comin' Back Tomorrow!

closed grammar hours - 7978123776


basic instructions boredom depressing hours hours of operation lazy official sign paper signs Sad schedule screw you signage sloth weird work smarter not harder wtf - 3856772608
Created by cherryredpinup


clueless dumb hours lie meth official sign signage soda speed store store hours stupid time travel weird - 3942776320

The Right Attitude Toward Mondays

hours mondays monday thru friday g rated - 6618710272

So Accommodating

fast food hours monday thru friday sign holidays - 8340821760
Via iLucky12


basic instructions creativity in the workplace dickheads heroes hours hours of operation idiotic kill yourself lazy official sign paper signs passive aggressive sass screw you signage wiseass work smarter not harder - 3297187328
Created by Becci

So...Are You Open Right Now or Not?

monday thru friday sign hours g rated - 8353999360
Via Daily Picks and Flicks

...Just Not Very Often

Via @PatMcFall

Clearly an Important Distinction

hours monday thru friday sign - 8241424384
Via Daily Picks and Flicks


awesome co-workers not boredom class clown cubicle boredom cubicle prank derp hours nonsense official sign paper signs prank sarcasm sass screw you signage spanish taco wiseass wtf - 3682809600

And In All Honesty, We're Drunk the Rest of the Week Too

alcohol bar drinking hours open sign - 5411046656
Created by Mary

Holidays: "Maybe"

business hours sign work - 5364847360

Happy Friday! Hope Your Weekend Starts Soon-ish

Hall of Fame hours sign - 5046356224
Created by dinokoalasaurus
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