Monday Thru Friday

dry erase


animal dead dry erase signs what - 4094704384


basic instructions boredom cubicle rage depressing dickhead co-workers dickheads dry erase dry erase board ergonomics fridge battle gross kill yourself lazy mess not funny paper signs passive aggressive prank rage Sad sass screw you signage Terrifying toilet graffiti wasteful wiseass work smarter not harder - 3418857472

Well I Came To Work For Nothing Then

dry erase forecast note weather - 4491084544
Created by ac21365

Blue Screen Of Death Star

art awesome blue screen bsod dry erase star wars - 4398968832

Dry-Erase Gothic

art dry erase whiteboard - 4352627456

Time To Invest In An Office Dishwasher

dishwasher dry erase note passive aggressive - 4340664064
Created by Unknown

Pac-Manic Mondays

art atari boredom creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom decoration depressing dickhead co-workers doodle dry erase lazy pac man passive aggressive retarded Sad screw you video game wasteful work smarter not harder - 3660887552
Created by Megs

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