Monday Thru Friday


Well That Wasn't Very Climactic

Starbucks coffee coffeeshop - 6679365376
Created by Thanatopsis

Competing Worldviews

breakroom coffee jesus religion signs - 4973862656

Good Morning: Here Is Why You Should Drink Some Coffee Before You Pour Yourself Some Coffee

coffee mug spill upside down - 5117660672

Some People Can't Function Without Their Morning Cup of Buffalo Ranch

monday thru friday work coffee g rated - 8147263232
Via chinstrapp

Good Morning! Give Your Over-Educated Coffee Server a Hug

coffee food service server Starbucks - 5043226880

You're the Worst Barista Ever, HAL

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Espresso With Your Number 2, Sir?

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Created by krystal

Now Hiring: New Intern for Coffee Runs

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Office Nightmare Scenario #107

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Created by fidoruh

It's Why We All Drink Coffee

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What is This Stuff? Here's a Hint: Monday Mornings Would Be Nearly Impossible Without It!

caffeine coffee mondays monday thru friday g rated - 8372172288
Via Cheezburger
It's none other than your favorite pick-me-up: caffeine! Raw caffeine powder mush freshly extracted from coffee beans. In it's pure form, caffeine is a bitter white powder that looks a lot like sugar. government

Easier Than Stopping at Starbucks?

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Via Google


coffee gross pee smell - 3990934016
Created by loldongs


Starbucks coffee coffee cup gangnam style - 6642612736

Where Can I Get One For My Car?

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Via classiccult
coffee money Video - 79156225

Customers Complain of Being Ripped Off When a Large Coffee Fits Into a Regular Coffee Cup

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