

rude and disrespectful houseguests | gen3stang My cousin punched my wall. Left hole and started laughing he got his first house went over and punched hole right wall waited 11 years do .

Amazingly Disrespectful Things Done By Houseguests

How hard is it to be decent?
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Those Nasty, Nasty Canadians

Bathroom Graffiti canadian graffiti rude g rated win - 6983792384
Behaviors that feel rude but aren't | Cindy--McCoy 40.1k points 19 hours ago 3 2 e Asking money is owed seems awkward and rude but really isn't, or at least shouldn't be

Behaviors that Feel Rude but Really Aren't

Relatable for the nervous wrecks among us.
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The Bird WIN

gorilla kid middle finger rude the bird zoo - 5411890688

Hacked IRL: I'm Going to Wash My Hands Now

clever graffiti gross hacked irl joke jokes rude win - 5536826624
A stylist stays professional with an angry and inconsiderate Karen |  need my hair done need tomorrow sorry actually don't have any openings until week after next might have spot next week if opens up but as right now don't have anything about Sep 1st 10?

Stylist Stays Professional With Angry Karen

Good riddance, Karen.
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Phone Policy WIN

cell phone clever customer service ouch phone rude - 6308595712
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