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Via RinRehlert

NASA Successfully Landed a Really Clever Joke

image win science NASA Successfully Landed a Really Clever Joke
Via @NASAJuno
funny tweets and random thoughts and observations | Rads @FeelingEuphoric THERAPIST: listen really need relax banging fists on table BUT CAN BE "BIRTHDAY CAKE" FLAVOR IF BIRTHDAY CAKE CAN BE ANY FLAVOR | Dan Sheehan ltsDanSheehan Being grandpa must be tough, some baby mispronounces word and suddenly name is Peepo last 30 years life

Funny Tweets To Remember Later and Chuckle Quietly

Ah yes, insignificant yet amusing observations.
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funny tweets, twitter, funny, memes, witty tweets, jokes, fresh tweets, relatable tweets, comedy, lol, covid-19 | Zack Budryk @BudrykZack single most important thing man can do be an ally is give his woman friends permission give dudes at bar his number so they call he can angrily say 's not funny because she died 15 years ago very night

36 Fresh & Funny Tweets For Easy Scrolling

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As Rare As Halley's Comet

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Via zrooster99
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Everybody Loves a Bunch of Terrible Jokes, Right?

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funny, clever and dumb puns | bro gonna get so lit lphane PEPPERMINT ANTACID TABLETS chewable two ants with antacids

Puns for the Mined, Bawdy and Sole

There's a time and a place for puns.
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