

Clever-Mean Ad WIN

advertising bus clever ouch - 5949010688
Via Cubicle Bot

Every Wait is a Couch Gag at This Stop

bus public transportation the simpsons hacked irl - 8342007296
Via Dre2k

Creepy Elephant WIN

Ad animals bus convenient creepy elephant zoo - 5395168000

Destination WIN

awesome at work bus lazy public transportation - 4394818304
Created by Unknown ( Via )

Only in Ireland...

potato Ireland bus g rated win - 8309241088
Via Eireplayr
BAMF bus illusion Video g rated win - 51674625

How Does This Guy Hang On?

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Doctor Who Ad WIN

Ad bbc bus clever doctor who pop culture sci fi television - 5797565952
Via Epic Ponyz

Bus Ad WIN

advertisement bus illusion perspective - 6535971072

What This Man Did for a Bus Rider in Need Will Make Your Day

random act of kindness public transportation restoring faith in humanity week bus - 8161776384
Via Huffington Post

Bus Ad WIN

Ad hacked irl smoking funny bus - 7649865472

Shark Week WIN

advertisement art bus Inception shark week sharks - 5024380160
CCTV mass transit fight bus Video win - 75545345

After a Passenger Tries to Assault a Bus Driver, He Drops Him Faster Than an Express

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Where Else Should I Keep This Monster?

bus win - 4104780800

The Bus Can't Handle My Swagger

bus design hacked irl - 8203733248
Via Mtn_mist

Shortest Bus WIN

custom cars DIY bus - 6796236032

Finally, My Ride is Here

cars hacked irl bus - 8219427584
Via Bierrr