

Look, I built a bridge. Now that could be a wonderful architectural marvel, a guitar accessory, or even a card shuffle. Whatever you're looking for, you'll find literally anything to do with mending that gap, between anything, just try it.

All the Way WIN

bridge camera Photo photography trick - 5063576576
Created by Duvmasta

Moses Bridge WIN

bridge installation river water - 5435663616
Via Laughing Squid

Sky Bridge SWAG

architecture bridge design Forest swag - 5834996224

Outdoor Stairs WIN

bridge design landscape photography stairs wincation - 6544852992
Via Web Urbanist

Routine Maintenance WIN

bridge dont-look-down photography vertigo work - 6066804224

Literalism WIN

sign literal bridge - 7058871808

Lightning WIN

bridge Damn Nature U Scary krakoom lightning photography - 6109219072
Via Laughing Squid

Coin Bridge WIN

balance bridge coin design - 6497661696
Via Reddit

Crossing the Gap WIN

bridge cars driving BAMF - 6676110848

Lighting Up the Banpo Bridge, Seoul

lights design pretty colors bridge - 7463729152

Perilous Riding WIN

bridge dangerous photography skateboarding - 6301124864
Via The World's Best Ever

Engineering WIN

bridge cool design freeway river - 5850448384

Are You Brave Enough to Try Out a Paper Bridge?

Via Metro

Mother Nature FTW: Tree Root Bridge

bridge mother nature ftw trees - 4873914368
Created by R Krishnan

Completely Relevant News: The Most BAMF-y Bridge in the World

BAMF bridge chuck norris completely relevant news name - 5889248000
Via Metro
random act of kindness design restoring faith in humanity week bridge Video - 51675649

South Korean Engineers Help Make the Bridge of Life

View Video