

Look, I built a bridge. Now that could be a wonderful architectural marvel, a guitar accessory, or even a card shuffle. Whatever you're looking for, you'll find literally anything to do with mending that gap, between anything, just try it.

Making a Bridge WIN

architecture balance bridge heights photography - 5742797824

Bridge in Progress WIN

architecture bridge design heights vertigo - 5835042816
Via JunkDeluxe

Routine Maintenance WIN

bridge dont-look-down photography vertigo work - 6066804224
art bridge installation manhattan new york Video - 30011649

Mapping Manhattan WIN

View Video

Duck Steps WIN

awww bridge cute ducks park - 6039834624
Via Reddit

Bridge-Building WIN

construction building bridge - 6926071552


bridge - 3638077440

A Bridge in Arkansas Gets a Rainbow Makeover After the Passing of a Historic Anti-Discrimination Law

Via nick671
random act of kindness design restoring faith in humanity week bridge Video - 51675649

South Korean Engineers Help Make the Bridge of Life

View Video

WINcation in Cologne

bridge Brother Nature FTW europe pretty colors wincation - 6532903424

Climbing a Bridge WIN

bridge climbing dont-look-down vertigo - 6203782400

Literalism WIN

bridge clever drawing g rated Hall of Fame literal pun win - 6019819520

Lightning WIN

bridge Damn Nature U Scary krakoom lightning photography - 6109219072
Via Laughing Squid

Creative Advertising WIN

advertising billboard bridge creative driving sign - 6477035520

Budapest Bridge WIN

architecture art bridge design photography - 5971574272

Musical Bridge WIN

awesome bridge design instrument Music - 4945097216
Created by christellar ( Via )
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