
childcare Babies teens family drama aita infant wedding drama kids brother sibling rivalry teenagers siblings moms family feud parenting wedding dad family cute kids pregnant reddit thread parent Reddit raising kids weddings Parenting Fail parents children Parenting FAILS Parenting - 38775813

16-year old pressured by parents to give them his savings to support his younger siblings: 'My parents are bad with money'

 bride marriage bridesmaids ceremony wedding ceremony wedding family dress weddings

60-year-old bridesmaid alters outfit, bride tells her not to wear "chopped up dress": 'I would not want to be seen wearing it in public'

 aita family family drama Father Mother son Family feud Wedding weddings Marriage bride Groom wedding ceremony girlfriend brother pregnant

Brother surprises family with pregnant girlfriend at his sibling's destination wedding: 'He admitted it's... not his baby'

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Brother objects to 30-year-old sister storing 200 lbs of live crabs in his bathtub for her bizarrely-themed wedding: 'She’s furious, calling me selfish and accusing me of sabotaging her wedding'

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Stressful wedding planning gets between bride and 25-year-old sister when bride demands significant financial contribution: 'My entire life revolves around her wedding'

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'You're out of your mind, Susan': Bride demands $1,500 from each guest to pay for her $60,000 wedding, ends up getting denied and dumped before burning bridges with everyone

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Crafter plans elaborate wedding gift for friend of 6+ years, finds out they're not invited: 'No invitation, no gift'

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Friend brings her 4-year-old to a child-free wedding and lets him run wild, accusing bride of being a hypocrite for bringing her own child: 'It ruined the whole first part of my wedding'

 Babies bride marriage baby groom ceremony wedding ceremony wedding family dress weddings

Couple drops big announcement during brother's wedding ceremony: 'I was...taking attention away from my brother'

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28-year-old man warns maternal relatives 'that they can be uninvited from my wedding at any time' after they try to invite his mom

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Brother and new sister-in-law get mad when sister gets engaged at the Grand Canyon 3 days after their wedding: '[They] said the timing and location were hurtful and that we shouldn’t planned around the wedding'

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Entitled stepmother forces son's fiancee to ensure a mother-son wedding dance: 'As his soon to be wife I have the right to do this'

 Wedding weddings Marriage family ceremony wedding ceremony family drama Brother mother moms

Mom visits her 15-year-old son instead of attending her other child's wedding day: 'My mom... told me the world doesn't revolve around me'

 Wedding weddings Marriage Dress bride Groom bridesmaids bridezilla family ceremony wedding ceremony family drama Mother daughter Family feud

'[My mom] said that it would be childish and embarrassing of me': 26-year-old bride finds dress of her dreams, mother refuses to pay for it and sparks "huge drama"

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Bride nervous about excluding single 9-year-old cousin from otherwise children-allowed wedding turns to internet forum for advice: 'I absolutely can't have him at my wedding'

Entitled bride disinvites struggling bridesmaid from her wedding because she cannot afford the bridal festivities, bridesmaid claims it is a blessing in disguise: ‘She was just purely selfish’

Entitled bride disinvites struggling bridesmaid from her wedding because she cannot afford the bridal festivities, bridesmaid claims it is a blessing in disguise: ‘She was just purely selfish’

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