

AITA for canceling a wedding gift when the wedding was canceled?

Bride and Groom Break Up Before Wedding, She Gets Mad at Sister-in-Law for Canceling $700 Wedding Gift

You can't cancel your wedding and still collect your gifts, honey.
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AITA for asking my (25f) sister (20f) to fix her overgrown/two before my wedding?

'Her hair is an eye sore': Bridezilla wants sister to change her appearance so that she's more aesthetic for her wedding photos

Should someone have to change their appearance for your wedding? To what degree? These are important factors that come into play in this thread and are in need of consideration. This bride, Reddit user u/kjally76, posted her story to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A**hole) subreddit, wondering if she was in the wrong for the events that had taken place leading up to her wedding. She has been planning every last detail with careful thought but has met resistance in her carefully laid plans when it co…
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FAIL revenge proposal petty revenge petty wedding cheating reddit thread Reddit brothers - 18262277

Brother Proposes at Guy's Wedding, Guy Ruins Brother's Whole Relationship

Mess with the bull… Get the horns. There is little love lost between these two brothers —and absolutely NO chill. From a complicated childhood to an entirely hateful adulthood, these brothers have been at each other's throats. That's why when Reddit user u/Neither-Glove-4355 discovered that his brother “Todd” was planning to propose during his wedding, he made all attempts to put it to an end. When he brought it to their coddling parents' attention, he was met with inaction, resistance, and exc…
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AITA for only inviting some of my sister's children to my wedding?

'I'm sorry but ten kids is a big cost on our wedding budget': Drama ensues when bride invites only some of her religious sister's kids

Does it make you a bridezilla to not invite all 10 of your sister's children?
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AITA for telling my brother (I was his best man) that his toxic but "love of his life" ex was trying to get in touch with him the night before his wedding?

'Please let him know [...] she'd be his personal bachelor party if he was so inclined': Toxic ex reaches out to groom the night before his wedding

This marriage feels over before it started!
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Went as +1 to wedding and now asked to contribute to the gift - is this normal etiquette?

Cheap, Noncommittal Guy Makes Plus One Pay for Boss's Wedding Gift

This guy is not relationship material.
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AITA for kicking a server out of my wedding? | "The server(19-ish f) had on clearly too much eyeliner. she also had diamond studs in her ears a flashy ring, and one of those ugly nose studs. The staff's uniform was a black long-sleeved shirt but on her, it was too low cut and her pants were far too tight."

Bridezilla Kicks Server Out of Her Wedding For Outshining Her

No one's going to fault you for being a little on edge on your wedding day… but nothing is an excuse to be rude to wait staff; this bride's apparent insecurities led her to act in a way that jumps clear over the line of acceptable behavior. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A**hole) subreddit by the bride, Reddit user u/Present-Ad-3934, who shared her story to the popular sub in order to see whether or not she was in the wrong for how she reacted towards the server at her wedd…
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AITA for walking out of my Birthday dinner after my sister and her boyfriend announced they were getting married ?

'She said it was the perfect time to announce their engagement': Future bridezilla upstages sister on her birthday

You know that feeling when you realize your sister is going to be a bridezilla?
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wedding, destination wedding, fail, fails, love, friends, family, relationships, weddings, wedding inspiration, travel, travel inspiration, tropical, vacation, expensive, money, elite

Angry Wedding Guest Sparks Debate in the Comments, Ending Friendships With People Who Throw Expensive Destination Weddings

$8000 is a lot of money for a vacation I didn't plan for
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AITA for kicking my mother out of my wedding? | My mom has never liked my relationship with my wife (Helena), she thinks I moved on ''too fast'' and refuses to believe/admit that my love for my Helena is bigger and truer that the one I had for my late wife.”

'My mom loved her as a daughter': Son bans grieving mother from wedding to new bride after she asks him to invite his late wife's parents

This guy is something else. It's clear that this mother has been having trouble moving on from the death of her beloved daughter-in-law, the two of them had a close connection, and she had truly "loved her as her own daughter." It's completely understandable to hang on to the memory of loved ones who have been lost -not that her son seems to be. The cold and callous way in which he refers to his deceased bride is startling and the first thing that stood out to me in this post. Sure, maybe the m…
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AITA for not wanting my mom's husband at my wedding after what he said about our proposal video?

Guy Defends Fiancé by Not Inviting Stepfather to Their Wedding, Causes Family to Implode

One must wonder if stepfather Richard goes by his nickname because it suits him!
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AITA for telling my SIL that she upstaged me at my wedding?

Bride Accuses Sister-in-Law of Upstaging Her at the Wedding by Just Showing Up

Jealousy knows no bounds, I guess. This sister-in-law got in trouble for showing up and wearing perfectly appropriate attire for her brother's wedding.
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Comedian Satirizes Connecticut and Boston Wedding Engagements

Comedian Satirizes Connecticut and Boston Wedding Engagements

Comedian Shannon Fiedler (@shannonfiedler13) nails back-to-back impressions of a Boston girl and a Connecticut girl getting engaged.
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AITA for not going to my best friend's wedding after she said I won't be her maid of honor?

Maid of Honor Fired for Forcing Her "Cheap Lifestyle" Onto Bridezilla

There's nothing like a Bridezilla ruining a lifelong friendship for a party.
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What to do when you start to get invitations for you + partner while you're single?

'Do I just find someone to bring for the show of it or stay strong?': Single lady debates what to do about her plus one invite

Redditors weigh in on the topic of "plus one" invites for singletons.
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I was my husband's stalker

Husband Doesn't Know His Wife Stalked Him Years Ago

This woman inserted herself into her future husband's life...and it worked!
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