true story

'I know every phone number... just don't know who they belong to': 20 Funny people who technically told the truth

'I know every phone number... just don't know who they belong to': 20 Funny people who technically told the truth

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20+ Unbelievable Oddities Once Considered 'Crazy Talk' That Ended Up Being 100% True

'You expect me to work an 18 hour shift without extra pay?': Overworked bookkeeper finds a way to get even with upper management after their refusal to allow changes in work shifts

'You expect me to work an 18 hour shift without extra pay?': Overworked bookkeeper finds a way to get even with upper management after their refusal to allow changes in work shifts

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'His passenger side will get blasted': Suburban man gets payback by installing 360° sprinklers to wreck his neighbor's sports car after he repeatedly drives through his lawn

workplace-stories in-the-workplace jobs work stories toxic-workplace bad jobs true story time-to-take-a-break workplace Horrible Bosses story break room employment toxic-work-environment - 20038661

'I just quit my job': Boss confiscates worker's lunch break as punishment, they quit

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Traumarama: Embarrassed Woman Shares a Very Messy Story From the Colonoscopy Recovery Room

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Minor Injuries That Are Way More Painful Than They Deserve To Be

Shower Thoughts That Are All Too True

12 Shower Thoughts That Are All Too True

Picture of storm trooper car parked with joke about how they always miss their shots.

True That

Picture showing how two different types of guys might go about peeing in the toilet.

There Are Two Types of Men In This World

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14 Tweets Perfectly Reflect the Hilarious Roller Coaster of Modern Day Dating

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Sorry Soul Finds Out Wife's Been Cheating On Him For Two Years In Worst, Most Brutal Way Imaginable

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Current and Past Employees of Walmart Share Glory Stories From Their Craziest Shifts

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People In Happy Relationships Reveal Their Most Disliked Traits About Their Significant Others

marriage tweets

22 Tweets That Perfectly Capture the Ups and Downs of Marriage

Tweets About Marriage

26 Tweets About Marriage That Will Hit Too Close to Home For Some People Out There

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