

'Streaming is his livelihood, but...I had to make a point': Dude cuts wifi during roommate's popular livestream

'Streaming is his livelihood, but...I had to make a point': Dude cuts wifi during roommate's popular livestream

If you're not good with your money , it doesn't matter how much you make. For those who make a regular or lowish salary, it seems impossible that someone making $100k+ could ever lose all that. But it happens all the time—just think of how many multi-millionaire celebs wind up broke and selling off their estates to make a quick buck. A lot of people find that money burns a hole in their pocket. They get their paycheck and immediately start thinking of all the cool products they could buy. Some…
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AITA for cancelling my wife’s TV subscriptions?

'My wife subscribed to over 15 TV services': Wife steals husband's credit card to pay for streaming, husband retaliates and now marriage is on the rocks

It turns out nothing can break up a marriage like your TV subscriptions.
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streaming FAIL language lol accent Video Tongue Twister - 107425025

Scottish Streamer Realizes He Is Incapable Of Saying "Purple Burglar Alarm"

She sells seashells by the purple burglar alarm.
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cringey live stream woman enters wrong car fail

Woman Gets Into Car, Realizes It's Very Wrong Car

He had very different expectations.
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streaming online Video Game Coverage GTA V ridiculous video games video game logic funny - 99821569

Girl Gets Her Fashion Reviewed By Fellow GTA Online Streamer

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Girl Thinks She's In Uber Ride, Guy Thinks She's A Hooker

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Guy Accidentally Leaves Mic On When Saying Goodnight To His Cat, Mr. Snuggles

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