social issues

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'You're stealing...': Tech CEO fires two engineers caught working two full-time jobs

landlord antiwork rent renting social issues - 1693959

'My mother's gonna have to move': Landlord blasted by internet for buying a new car after raising rent

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'You might go to jail if you don't work overtime': Employer and Labour Board threaten charges and arrest if employees refuse 12-Hour overtime shifts

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Vegetarian Presenter Forces All Attendees to Eat Vegetarian, Wondering if They’re Wrong

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Viral Thread: Employee Tries to Take Mental Health Day, Employer Has Terrible Response

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Worker Gets Warning For Using Bathroom, Wants to Sue

antiwork workplace employee fired text message employer employees social issues - 17481477

Guy Gets Fired, Then Employer Asks For Status Updates

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Viral Thread: Boss Fires Confused Employee Via Email, Twenty Minutes After Closing With Them

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Female Machinist Learns She's Making Less Than the New Hire She's Training, Internet Seething

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Insane Company Policy Revokes Tips and Reduces Wages of Outgoing Employees

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Owner Sends Insane Email After Kitchen Staff Walk Out

antiwork Horrible Bosses work reform social issues - 16847877

Contractor Told to Attend "Mandatory" Meeting, Declines, Told to Answer Phone, Declines Again

antiwork great resignation work workplace social issues - 16713733

Woman Ignites Voracious Online Debate By Claiming that Women Should Receive PTO For Menstruation

My wife isn't getting a raise this year because I make good money and the men in the office "need it more"

Woman Denied Raise Because Her Husband Makes Too Much and "The Men in the Office Need it More"

Company didn't want to pay me a fair wage and the day after I quit, it cost the company around $40 Million.

IT Guy Underpaid at 29k Per Year, Leaves and Costs the Company $40 Million

Leaving my job and found a list of all salaries at the company… what do I do?

Engineer Finds Excel Export of All Employee Salaries, Contemplates Nuclear Option

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