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'Do it for the plot': 28 Ways to say 'life is short' without summoning YOLO

Keeping up with slang is a slippery slope
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'When people say "nice" to acknowledge something you said': 25+ Words and phrases people would delete from the English language forever

'When people say "nice" to acknowledge something you said': 25+ Words and phrases people would delete from the English language forever

Low key, there are literally so many words that technically we don't need to use.
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workplace slang twitter thread

Twitter Thread: Teaching Coworkers How To Use Slang In The Workplace

A meeting of the minds.
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A collection of slang terms that dads can use to embarrass their daughters | FaroutIGE 2y while reading paper just quietly and slowly say gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gangggg whatever tune feel like recommend channeling sinatra

Slang Terms Dads Can Use To Embarrass Their Daughters

Nice for any dad to have in the back pocket.
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A collection of the most popular slang terms from the 2010s | KarloTakki On fleek can't even.

The Worst Slang Terms That Became Popular In The 2010s

What a decade for terrible slang terms.
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generation z slang rant by professor

Sociology Professor's Generation Z Slang Dictionary Goes Viral

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whisper confessions about kids slang

14 Cringe-Riddled Slang Words Kids Won't Stop Saying

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millennials slang

USA Today Gives Elders A Guide To Translate Teenage Slang

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slang Video - 81285889

Margo Robbie Explains Australian Slang

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college professors try to understand Millennial slang

Can These College Professors Guess the Meaning of These Millennial Slang Words?

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slang parenting pr0n sexy times Video - 72731905

Moms Guess What Pørn Terms Mean

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I Mean, If You Insist...

cars, license plate, inappropriate, slang, canada
Via Brown Cardigan

What it Really Means to Laugh in a Text Message

Via Brown Cardigan

Mom is Totally Savvy With What the Kids Are Saying

Via SortaBad
slang language Video School of FAIL - 70363905

1920s Slang That Needs To Make A Comeback

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sports slang what Video - 69590529

"Wham-Sauce" is the New Phrase We Should Add to Our Lexicon After This Runner Destroys the Meet Crew

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