

Let's get some shoes. Shoes are what separates us from a banana. That and a few genetic twists. Shoes have become a global sensation for young and old collectors alike. If you're all about that footwear and everything that has to do with it, fantastic. But not flip flops or sandals, get out of here with that nonsense.

This is Going to Take A While

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Those Shoes Weigh 880 Pounds Each, and This 52-Year-Old Insists on Walking With Them Every Day

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Via Neatorama

If Shoes Could Kill

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The Passion For Fashion Starts Early

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Very Grassy Shoes

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Via Baakum

The Perfect Shoes for the Catching Fire Premiere

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Via alcat2021

It's Hard Trying to Keep White Shoes Clean After Labor Day

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This Foot Locker Commercial Shows a Small Glimpse of What It Would Look Like if Everything Were Right in the World

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It's That Time of Year Again

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Created by grizzlygreeneyes ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )

Everyone Feels Like This at Ikea

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Via Pleated Jeans

Finally Something as Horrible as Uggs for Warm-Winter Residents

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How To Step-Up Your Uggs

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Created by Unknown

It's Like a Pedicure that Never Needs Touching Up

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Pinky (Toe) Out? So Fancy!

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Created by conans

High Heels To Die For

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Running in Heels? Just Do It

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