

A funny Tumblr post about war between pads and tampons | pesmenos Follow why is there such stigma against wearing pads? like why is people who wear tampons are seen as 'strong' and 'cool? y'all know someone people can't wear them bc hurts them or they just don't like them? stop making seem like people who wear pads are childish and weak compared those who wear tampons postcardsfromtheoryland Follow Ok kids buckle up because know answer this question because am bitter, vindictive person. So my fi

Tumblr Thread: Origins Of The Pads Vs. Tampons War

She left the classroom shook.
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Sexist customer keeps asking for man and ends up with a cease and desist | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/sheikhyerbouti 21 hours ago "No offense, honey, but just don't think qualified oc M After seeing bunch similar threads thought would post my own story shared by coworker friend and her former manager. Back my call center days frequent issue among our female techs (my team had about 5-9 on average out about 200 get someone who would insist on being transferred male tech. This happened at

Customer Keeps Asking for Man, Ends Up In Legal Department

He found one eventually.
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Reddit story of a guys sexist boss who forbid him from talking to management.

Boss Forbids Employee From Emailing VPs, Royally Backfires on Her

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Sexist claims that a sculpture of a woman is the epitome of western male art, and gets fact checked.

Guy Claims Sculpture Is The Epitome Of Western Male Art

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Guy on Twitter says that women who wear lipstick are the equivalent of men walking around with artificial erections.

Radio Host Tweets That Women Wearing Lipstick Is Equivalent To Men Wearing Artificial Erections

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tweets about how sexist the 50's were

Man's Sexist List Of 6 Steps To Keep A Man Is Right Out Of The 1950s

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Female Twitch Streamer Told To Shut Her Mouth In Nasty Sexist Attack

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