

FAILS school teacher Memes test math funny exams - 20316421

20+ Funny Exam Fails From Students Who Clearly Didn't Study

We've all had those moments as students when we sit in front of an exam and have absolutely no idea how we're going to get through this one. You're staring at the page, thinking about the fact that you didn't study and all the hours of procrastination from last night. But there's nothing you can do about it at this point. Sometimes, you just have to lean into the fact that you're not going to do well on this, so why bother pretending that you know what you're talking about? These students deser…
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pro revenge school FAIL revenge petty revenge reddit thread Reddit mom - 20072197

'Petty revenge on my own truant son': Mom stages epic prank to force son to stop skipping school

A mother has to do what a mother has to do.
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school university malicious compliance school-story revenge teachers group projects petty revenge teacher college college student - 20018437

'I WILL do your project': Worst project partner ever tries to get student to do the whole thing, she does but ensures he fails

It's no secret that we hate group projects; they bring out the absolute worst in people. But I'd also argue that group projects are one of the few things schools assign that prepares you for the challenges you'll face for the rest of your life. Group projects are important for teaching the challenges of communicating with entitled individuals, doing your peer's work for them, being graded on others' lack of participation, and having others take credit for your work. All of which you'll repeated…
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school relationships apology reddit thread Reddit bullying dating couple - 19703301

UPDATE: 'She asked me out': Bartender has chance run in with former bully, who had the nerve to ask him out on a date

This story could be the premise of a rom-com or a revenge flick. It's only one of those two options!
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'You can't just come in and pick him up out of school, that's against policy': Pushy cops get shut down by a principal's noncompliance when he stands up for one of his students wanted for interrogation

'You can't just come in and pick him up out of school, that's against policy': Pushy cops get shut down by a principal's noncompliance when he stands up for one of his students wanted for interrogation

He's not just the principal, he's being a princiPAL
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karens neighbors school drama neighborhood neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories entitled Bad Neighbor karen entitled people - 19541509

'IT'S NOT A SIDEWALK': Neighborhood Karen makes wild group post about school kids walking on school property adjacent to her property

When “Get off my lawn!” evolves into “Get off the area adjacent to my lawn!” Maybe you shouldn't live next door to a school if you're this sensitive to the presence of children.
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Entitled Parent Parks In My Driveway

'You don't live here, you don't park here': Entitled Mom parks on private property to pick up kid from school, resident gets revenge

Moral of the story: don't live right next to a school.
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Write down my grandparent’s address? Will do!

Student Forced to Write Fundraising Letter to Grandparents for a Grade, Maliciously Complies by Writing to Grandma’s Cemetery

I mean, technically, that is where she lives now...
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'My roommate told me my Social Security number': 20+ Utterly unhinged roommate stories

'My roommate told me my Social Security number': 20+ Utterly unhinged roommate stories

Living in close quarters with someone forces you to be up close and personal with their messy rooms and weird habits . Lots of people have bad roommate stories — some can only be shared anonymously! While having a terrible roommate is awful at the time, it can result in some hilarious stories to tell your friends after the fact, as these people below know all too well. Communication is key when living with other people, but some of these bad roommates are terrible at it. There are reasons why c…
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‘Redo the Essay, It’s Total and Utter Garbage’ : College Professor Spites Student, Leading To Malicious Compliance That Includes Debunking Professor’s Favorite Literary Magnum Opus

‘Redo the Essay, It’s Total and Utter Garbage’ : College Professor Spites Student, Leading To Malicious Compliance That Includes Debunking Professor’s Favorite Literary Magnum Opus

I'll be the first to admit, it's so deliciously fun to get back at a professor you dislike, for whatever reason. Sticking it to the know-it-alls is a satisfying feeling. Granted, this is the type of situation that could backfire, but in this case, it did not. A college student was on great terms with her professor until she wasn't. He'd belittled a very long paper she'd written, stating his utter disgust: ‘This is a pathetic excuse research-wise and a joke format-wise. He added that he would al…
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What do you miss most about being a kid?

'I miss being in school concerts': 30+ Fail Blog fans reminisce about childhood's best and worst moments

Childhood can be a wonderful time full of carefree play time and roaming the outdoors . We asked our Facebook audience what they miss most about their own time as a kid, and the answers were quite varied and often wholesome! Lots of people reflected on the time they spent with parents, grandparents, and other family members . What could be better than waking up with zero responsibilities and all the time in the world to play with your friends? Some of you reminisced on the magical ways that you…
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Faked proof that I had a flat tire so that the lazy people in my group project would have to do the presentation themselves therefore likely will fail

'I got stuck with possibly the worst 3 people to be in a [group] project': One student's tire-less pursuit of petty revenge

No one likes group projects, especially not the person pulling the weight of the entire presentation . One unfortunate Redditor, u/grapeicecreamfloat, got stuck in that situation, but luckily they were able to enact some satisfying petty revenge! As they shared to r/pettyrevenge, this student got stuck with slackers in a project that was a big percentage of the overall grade. The OP ended up doing so much of the work, and the professor wouldn't help the OP improve the group's dynamic, saying th…
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AITA For pulling my brother aside and giving him a reality check that he needs to get over high school or else he will end up alone?

'I... told him that he needs to get over high school': Smug dude stuck on high school stereotypes gets rude awakening from sibling

For some people, high school never ends. That's definitely the case with Geoffrey, whose sibling is concerned about the way he's been treating everybody around him . As the u/aitaGeoffreyEmma wrote to the r/AmItheA****** subreddit, their brother didn't have a great experience in high school. Even a decade later, he's still making fun of people's appearances and projecting where he thinks they'll be in their career. It sounds toxic and unbearably cringy to witness ! This concerned sibling ended…
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You put a limit on photocopying? Ok, I’ll print.

'Do what you need to do': School imposes photocopying limit, teacher finds clever loophole

Here is yet another example of how teachers are heroes!
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I’m late? Well now I am late with croissants

'If I'm going to be late, I might as well be more late, but with food': Tardy student angers teacher by bringing croissants for the whole class

Let's be real here: being late is annoying, but being unnecessarily strict is more annoying.
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The principal of the school asked everyone to be 30 min early for the exam. 30 or so hours of overtime were paid, and she had to monitor students herself.

'Most of us simply ignored her...But a dozen of us decided to comply': Principal ignores teacher's schedule, ruins her own Friday

School testing is an important part of a student's year, and these tests have to be administered with exact time measurements. This teacher shared their experience with this on r/MaliciousCompliance – they got to talk to their boss in a way that most people only dream of! As u/Djorgal shared, they work part time as a math teacher in France. Since they only work part-time, they kept telling their principal that they wouldn't be able to cover the entirety of the student's upcoming tests. With the…
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