

school elementary school mother principal crazy things parents say teachers teacher parenting back to school dad elementary teacher-stories mom Parenting Fail parents Father - 22879749

'The parents want to meet with me': Teacher scolded for ripping up cheating students' tests

When you do something wrong, you should feel bad about it and accept there are going to be repercussions. This is called a consequence, and without experiencing that negative stimulus, how on earth are you going to learn not to do it again? Still, the punishment needs to fit the crime, and making a public display when a young child makes a mistake isn't really the way to go about it. Ironically, this teacher hasn't learned her own intended lesson, as evidenced by the fact that she doesn't feel…
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'I cant take notes on my computer? Fine, I’ll use a typewriter': Teacher enforces strict no laptop policy, student maliciously complies

'I can't take notes on my computer? Fine, I’ll use a typewriter': Teacher enforces strict no laptop policy, student maliciously complies

Teachers better be careful when enforcing silly rules. As the son of a former teacher, I am sympathetic to the fear that students will just be playing games if laptops are allowed in class. That being said, wouldn't that be their loss when it's time to test them? In my experience, people will always find an excuse to zone out and not pay attention. So even if laptops are forbidden in the classroom, they will always find a way. Now, in defense of students, it is simply far easier to keep up with…
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'It took them a full MONTH to catch onto us': Students find loophole in school's lateness policy and show up three hours late with minimal punishment

'It took them a full MONTH to catch onto us': Students find loophole in lateness policy and show up three hours late with minimal punishment

Being late occasionally is an inevitable part of life; that being said, testing your school's lateness policy can be a tricky tightrope walk. On the one hand, school administrators who are obsessed with enforcing lateness policies should have far more important things to worry about. On the other hand, students should have far more to be concerned with than finding loopholes so they can miss three hours of class each day.
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'Apparently no one got the memo but him': Teacher brings in 'spooky food' for potluck meal, other teachers refuse to eat his dish

'Apparently no one got the memo but him': Middle school teacher brings in 'spooky food' for potluck meal, other teachers refuse to eat the dish

This teacher just won Halloween . His interesting choice of potluck meal seems to be a legendary choice! Halloween is a fun time for lots of kids and adults who celebrate it. It's a time to think of the most fun, scary, or silly costume you can think of, as well as dressing up your kids or pets. Other people love to deck their house out with those 12-foot skeletons or put fake spider webs over every bush and tree in their yard. Not to mention the fun of going trick or treating, or staying in an…
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Update: 'I can't even handle this level of pettiness': High school principal won't let teacher leave early for doctor appointment, teacher decides to take even more time off

Update: 'I can't even handle this level of pettiness': High school principal refuses to let teacher leave early for doctor appointment, teacher decides to take even more time off

Some points in your career give you a sudden moment of clarity.
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'[I told] her that I wasn't being suspended': Student stands up to Karen principal, proves her strict rules aren't in the handbook, gets suspension revoked

'[I told] her that I wasn't being suspended': Student stands up to Karen principal, proves her strict rules aren't in the handbook, gets suspension revoked

Who knew that sometimes being suspended isn't exactly a mandatory order? Personally, I was always too much of a “goodie two shoes” to test the waters, break the rules, and potentially get myself in trouble. As I've grown older, I have become less and less content with the various systems I have found myself trapped inside of, whether that be the system of higher education, the workforce, or the existential social system of what it means to be a human. In hindsight, a little part of me wishes I…
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'You said I needed to submit my essay, here it is': Professor denies college student's request for an extension, student discovers professor's grading secret

'You said I needed to submit my essay, here it is': Professor denies college student's request for an extension, student discovers professor's grading secret

Lazy college professors should not be allowed to be strict. Like any social contract, everything should be a two-way street: if you're expected to deliver quality, they need to do the same. Otherwise, as far as we're concerned, the social contract is null and void. I remember when my high school teacher tried to solicit her students to contribute paragraphs that she would then compile into a research essay she was required to submit. We made sure that nonsense was shut down as soon as we could.
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'He tripped and fell onto the newly displayed trophy, immediately breaking it': 20+ Moments of pure embarrassment seen by a crowd of witnesses

'He tripped and fell onto the newly displayed trophy, immediately breaking it': 20+ Moments of pure embarrassment seen by a crowd of witnesses

They say that you're most likely the only person who will remember your most embarrassing moments . But you won't feel that way after reading this treasure trove of embarrassing memories that people recalled with crystal clear memory! Have you ever accidentally walked through a screen door at someone else's birthday party, slamming face-first into the ground? This happened to me when I was about eight years old at an acquaintance's party, and the memory has stuck with me for decades. I wasn't p…
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'My school is repeatedly playing "Baby Shark"': 20 School fails for students who forgot their hall passes

'My school is repeatedly playing "Baby Shark"': 20 School fails for students who forgot their hall passes

You might want to skip lunch at a few of these schools . I know cafeteria workers have a tight budget, but some of the meals they create are the things of nightmares. The public school system in America has its good parts and bad. Many teachers care about their students and love to make creative lesson plans and engaging class projects. However, much like the lunchroom staff mentioned before, they're working on a shoestring budget, often using their own time, money, and resources to ensure thei…
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'Teacher lost it': Student realizes he can get 100% on the final exam through extra credit alone, maliciously complies, infuriates teacher

'Teacher lost it': Student realizes he can get 100% on the final exam through extra credit alone, maliciously complies, infuriates teacher

Teachers should be careful when assigning extra credit. They just might get exactly what they asked for… There will always be students in this world who work hard, who complete every assignment to the best of their ability, and who impress their teachers to no end. And then there are the students who don't work hard but who work smart . This Redditor certainly falls into the latter category. He also had a gift for memorization. So when his English teacher said that students would receive points…
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'Her biggest pet peeve was when people used "they"': Student complies to teacher's grammatical demands

Good teachers are sticklers about things, and the ones you learn the most from are the ones who are insistent upon correctness to an absurd level. That said, every teacher isn't always going to be correct about everything and may wind up insisting on something that is wildly incorrect —like that time when your 6th-grade teacher told you that you couldn't start a sentence with a conjunction. But, further down the line, you later probably came to find that that wasn't really true or a grammatical…
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school student students testing schools teachers teacher mildly infuriating - 22663173

'Go with your gut!': Student fails test after changing their correct answers, shares teacher's message

Test-taking is, itself, a skill. And those of us who struggle with the technique of taking the actual test likely didn't have a great time in school, no matter what our actual aptitude for the subjects was. It gets worse than that, though, when governments impose standardized tests to gauge the school's performance, entire curriculums become geared toward not learning the subjects but passing the test itself.
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'Three-day suspension if anyone sang Gwen Stefani's "Sweet Escape"': 30+ Rules that schools and workplaces insisted on

'Three-day suspension if anyone sang Gwen Stefani's "Sweet Escape"': 30+ Foolish rules that schools and workplaces insisted on

Rules are in place for a reason. That's what administrators will tell you. But sometimes rules are created that end up antagonizing everybody. When I was in high school, there was an inordinate amount of fighting. It was commonplace to witness at least one or two student fights per day. Not a lunch period went by without a scuffle. The school responded to this by implementing two rules. One was a zero tolerance policy, so if your bully hit you, the two of you would both get suspended, even if y…
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'Well it's mine and I got it for my stuff': Teacher calls out annoying coworker for hogging her own personal mini fridge

'Well it's mine and I got it for my stuff': Teacher calls out annoying coworker for hogging her own personal mini-fridge

When we think about the difficult lives of teachers, we often draw our attention to the annoying students they are forced to educate, but we rarely acknowledge that teachers may also have to deal with annoying coworkers just like everyone else. Having an insufferable coworker at your school has to be infuriating after a full schedule of teaching neurotic and whiny students all day. These teachers rarely get a moment of peace at their desks, and when they do, they generally need to do some lesso…
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'Your parents are literally the worst part of my job': 20+ teachers share the one thing they wish they could tell their students

'Your parents are literally the worst part of my job': 20+ teachers share the one thing they wish they could tell their students

Teaching takes more self-restraint than most jobs. As a former tutor of high school kids and the child of a teacher, I can attest to the fact that there are a million thoughts your teachers have about you and your classmates, and it takes absolutely every bit of their brain power to stop themselves from saying the things that they probably shouldn't. Some of these thoughts include hot takes about students with bad body odor, students who have obvious crushes on their other classmates, and stude…
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'Someone leaked a copy of our report': School superintendent resigns after teachers' plan draws attention to his leadership

'Someone leaked a copy of our report': School superintendent resigns after teachers' outrageous plan draws attention to his leadership

This superintendent decided to give the student government a project. That was his first mistake! U/The_Bee_Sneeze shared this interesting tale from their high school days as an overachiever. The OP writes that they were in the student government for the same reasons everyone else is: because it looks good when you're applying to colleges. It looks great on a resume, and the only things you really do are things like planning the Homecoming Dance or putting up flyers around the school. However,…
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