sad but true

Entitled Karen customer gets chased out of Chick-fil-A parking lot after she skips the drive-thru line and dumps a shake all over patient employee: ‘You REALLY called the police?’

Entitled Karen customer gets chased out of Chick-fil-A parking lot after she skips the drive-thru line and dumps a shake all over patient employee: ‘You REALLY called the police?’

20 Validating Memes for Folks Dreading the Holiday Season (Or, In-Laws Galore)

20 In-Law Memes To Help Prepare You for the Holiday Season

Memes for Homeowners With Nonsensical Neighbors

25 Neighbor Memes To Help You Laugh Off Your Nonsensical Neighbor's Antics

Entitled mom texts and drives into a man's new car, sparking a traffic dispute and resulting in her speeding off without taking the blame

Texting driver with no license plates strikes man's new car and falsely accuses him of running a red light, speeds off without exchanging insurance information

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Mother goes on rampage after her iPad is stolen from her car during school pick-up, says it's the school's fault despite her having not locked her car off school premises

Entitled Karen aggressively reserves lounge chairs at a resort, berates innocent vacationers when they sit in the chairs that hadn't been used in 10 hours: ‘It's selfish’

Entitled Karen 1 and Karen 2 berate innocent vacationers when they sit in chairs the Karens ‘reserved’ 10 hours prior, despite not having used them once that day

Karen manager is outsmarted by employee when she tries to cut his hours, he claps back using her own advice and ends up getting paid even more than before

‘I was dumbfounded’: Grocery store manager Karen tries to cut employee's hours, so he uses her own words against her and ends up with a higher hourly pay

entitled airplane Karen causes seating fiasco when woman's assigned seat is between Karen and her husband, gets accusatory and downright nasty as a result

Airplane Karen complains through entire 5-hour flight because woman was sat between her and her husband, accuses woman of 'cheap[ing] out’ on flight tickets

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20+ Unbelievable Oddities Once Considered 'Crazy Talk' That Ended Up Being 100% True

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Traumarama: Embarrassed Woman Shares a Very Messy Story From the Colonoscopy Recovery Room

29 Stupendous Starter Packs to Start Your Sorry Day With

29 Stupendous Starter Packs to Start Your Sorry Day With

12 images and text images from reddit, dog ate ps5 controllers | thumbnail image of ps5 controller with bite marks destroyed text

Gamer Excitedly Saves Up For A Year To Buy PS5, Dog Excitedly Destroys Controllers

16 text based images thread on husband, wife wants to get rid of dog | thumbnail "ANameWithoutMeaning · 8d Partassipant [1] NTA. You say you'd rather keep the dog than your marriage, and I think that pretty much settles the issue. Also, if you do end up having to choose between one or the other, I am 99% certain the dog will be the better choice for you in the long run. You said that you might be the asshole because you're "expected to put [your] wife first."

Husband Tells Wife She Can't Get Rid Of The Dog, Gets Rid Of Her Instead

funny clever memes that are technically correct

Technically Accurate Moments That Are Almost Stupid But Not Quite

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22 People Share Their Most "I'm Turning Into My Parents" Moments

red flags in a relationship divorce

31 Divorced People Share Red Flags They Ignored Before Marriage

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