

'I ran outside to tell her': Server flips the script on a man who tipped $100 to impress his date, only to return later to amend the tip

'I ran outside to tell her': Server flips the script on a man who tipped $100 to impress his date, only to return later to amend the tip

Imagine you're waiting tables, scurrying around with hot plates, forcing a smile every time someone asks for some extra sauce. ‘Of course’, you say, and run to go get some… for the fifth time that night, for that table. Finally, a glimmer of relief, table 12 wants to pay. They'd been relatively great, smiled politely, said ‘please’, and hadn't bothered you. You'd even had good banter with them, so you expect they'll tip well. No luck, they don't even leave a tip… and their bill is just about $2…
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‘You just lost a customer’: Customer gets removed from restaurant after owner stands up to him for yelling at one of the servers who messed up his receipt

‘You just lost a customer’: Customer gets removed from restaurant after owner stands up to him for yelling at one of the servers who messed up his receipt

As someone who has worked a lot in customer service, I can assure you that I have never seen a coworker react badly to a customer yelling, ‘You just lost a customer!’. Because the honest truth is, we just didn't care. I can promise you it's quite universal, as anyone working a minimum wage job just isn't getting paid enough to care. One man entered a restaurant to have a nice meal with his wife. At first, all was going well. They got their food, ate it up, talked, whatever. Then he asked for th…
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reddit petty petty-revenge revenge payback deserved karen karens karens-in-the-wild server restaurant service-industry customer-service customer price payback

'The look on her face was priceless': Karen tries to skim $0.30 off her order then gets charged an extra $100 after drawing attention to other errors on her receipt

Apparently some Karens can't do math
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expenses friends Travel entitled trip Reddit money receipt entitled people couple - 22595333

'She listed things down to the dime of what we owed her!': Entitled friend invites couple to visit her, gives them an itemized bill at the end of their week-long trip

I don't know about you, but when I invite a friend or family member over, I don't sit down and tally up every dime they owe me when they leave. I mean, sure, if they go off on their own adventures or we split the dinner bill, that's all cool. But splitting the gas expenses for driving them around town? Is that even a thing? Well, that's exactly why this OP took to Reddit for some advice.
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'You didn't want to reimburse my ticket': Travelling employee spends hundreds of euros on taxi rides after company won't pay him back for one train ticket

'You didn't want to reimburse my ticket': Travelling employee spends hundreds of euros on taxi rides after company refuses to pay him back for one train ticket

This company was so confused about why their employee started racking up big bills . They should've known… it was their own policies that made him do it. Travelling in taxis has become a tad outdated in these times of ride-hail services that utilize apps. There's a reason, though, that we've switched over. If you use an app to call a car, you pay before the ride starts, and then tip your driver at the end. Even if the driver takes a different route or sits in traffic, your cost still stays the…
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'She had an absolute meltdown': Flatmate moves out of state with college roommate's wallet stashed in car, then tosses wallet into trash

'She had an absolute meltdown': Flatmate moves out of state with college roommate's wallet stashed in car, then tosses wallet into trash

When faced with an arduous situation, do you cave and give in to an easy solution, or do you stand up, tough as nails, and return fire? The arduous situation in question, from OP's point of view, is that she was about to get caught stealing all the other roommates' stuff. And she had a total meltdown. But let's start from the beginning. As this story is told by u/CharmingUniversity98's point of view, we shall start there. Many years ago, back when OP was in college, they lived with 4 roommates.…
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'You out-lawyered the lawyer': Divorced ex requests years of receipts, dude

'You out-lawyered the lawyer': Divorced ex demands years of receipts, cue malicious compliance

This guy created a nightmare scenario at this lawyers' office – but at least they got a good laugh out of it! Every couple going through a divorce is different, and this couple unfortunately went through a “heated divorce/custody battle." As u/FederalAnt9 wrote to r/MaliciousCompliance, their ex kept demanding more and more money — she thought that the OP was stashing money away elsewhere, while the OP could barely afford food each day. While the lawyer didn't necessarily mean to hassle this pe…
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Had a guy try walk out on his bill, and when we blocked the exits and threatened to call the cops he tried to pay with Big 5 Sporting Goods receipts

Customer Does Everything to Avoid Paying His Bill At Restaurant, Even Trying to Use Sporting Goods Store Credit

This guy thought of everything under the sun to get out of paying his bill, but his server was not having it.
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Read Your Receipts, You Might Get the Opportunity to Join a Secret Club

win fight club invitation at the bottom of receipt
Via noonesaysftumch

You Sort Of Tried!

drunk, receipt, math
Via tastemyth0ughtz

Conquering the World, One Square Foot of Insulation at a Time

cashier home depot receipt retail - 5259271936

How to Really Make Your Waiter's Day

Via Breakingbay

What Kind of Service Deserves This?

Via Acid Cow

Get to Know Your Server

cashier receipt - 5072895744
Via Pleated Jeans

The Store Must Have Been Packed During This Sale

monday thru friday discount retail typo clothes receipt - 8435969792
Via melbleb

What the Hell Kind of Cocktail Did You Order?

butt stuff cocktails on a receipt
Via Doxep
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