

work workplace boss bosses golden-retriever golden-retriever-boss manager supervisor gen-z funny viral wholesome reaction tiktok

'Golden Retriever' Boss's Reaction Goes Viral When His Gen Z Employee Starts Live Streaming in His Office: 'Your boss is the sweetest'

He's so confused
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'Some guy yelled, "Use your wand Harry"': 30+ Moviegoers who made the entire audience crack up laughing

'Some guy yelled, "Use your wand Harry"': 30+ Moviegoers who made the entire audience crack up laughing

The movies are a place for silently watching films, and these folks did the exact opposite. Luckily for them, they were 1) funny and 2) brief with their jokes . There are few moviegoing experiences worse than being stuck with a jokester. That's a person who thinks they're funny at a movie , but they are certainly not. Usually, they'll yell out a joke, and it will get a big laugh. So their ego is stoked, and they keep going, yelling out more and more jokes and witticisms as the movie rolls on. A…
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Twitter reacts to Dr. Royal Burpee inventor of the burpee exercise

Twitter Discovers Dr. Royal H. Burpee, The Actually Real Inventor Of Burpees

He was a real dude.
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Parent forces their vegan daughter to cook meat after she tosses their chili | AITA forcing my vegan daughter cook meat? Not hole My daughter (16F) has been vegan about year my husband and her brother (14M) have tried be as supportive as possible aren't family eats meat daily, so wasn't hard accommodate her do cook meat also make something else her and keep side dishes common all. She does have some seperate dishes, but most are common and clean if have cook her.

Parent Forces Vegan Daughter To Cook Meat

What a waste of food.
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A collection of tweets about people's most ridiculous neighbors on NextDoor.

People's Most Nightmarish, Entitled, And Bizarre Neighbors

NextDoor is a troubling goldmine.
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A collection of times that people were absolute mad lads on social media | morice: blaineheavenanderson: thesmallestactofkindness: Gave my students pop quiz today and learned something new: If make all answers questions C will see 35 most hilariously panicked and confused faces world | Apple Music O @AppleMusic 's everyone listening this morning? ellie @miseryawg spotify

Maniacal Mad Lads That Don't Give A Dang

They play by their own rules.
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Landlord paints over a cockroach, and Twitter responds with the meme treatment.

Landlord Paints Over Cockroach, Roach Gets The Meme Treatment

It's only right.
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Woman claims that she was attacked by dark energy at the gym, and Twitter reacts.

Woman Says She Was Attacked By Dark Energy At Gym, Twitter Reacts

Alright Monica.
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customer service surprising ridiculous reaction dunkin donuts tiktok - 2668294

Dunkin Donuts Employee Reveals Actual Amount Of Coffee In Large Iced Coffee

Say it ain't so.
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spiders insects surprising FAIL ridiculous reaction funny - 107228417

Woman Walks Into Spider's Web, Spider Comes Out Victorious

Yeah, that's enough outside for the day.
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Norway Awkward ridiculous reaction funny Video - 107207681

Norwegian Guy Steals Mayor's Moment By Cutting Ribbon

Oh, that's tough, bud.
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Saints QB Jameis Winston struggles with the tackle machine, and then gets dragged on Twitter.

Saints QB Jameis Winston Struggles With Tackle Machine, Gets Dragged On Twitter

I mean, he could've dropped the ball.
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humor sports ridiculous reaction Video olympics - 107148801

Australian Swimming Coach Has Best Reaction To Athlete Winning Gold

Pure passion in this performance.
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nature humor ridiculous reaction funny Video - 107135745

Man's Stoked Levels Soar Through The Roof Over Deep Stream Discovery

Just wait till we get the video where he goes to the ocean.
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humor rollercoaster ridiculous reaction funny Video - 107034625

Man Maintains Surreal Level Of Chill When Passing Out On Rollercoaster

The composure is truly ethereal.
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A funny and spicy Tumblr post from an avid burrito connoisseur who was immensely displeased with his burrito.

Tumblr User Turns Unleashes Incredible Hulk Rage Over Burrito

You good, bro?
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