
random act of kindness

'She's been singing your praises for a good five minutes': Good samaritan gets promoted while shopping at a local store he didn't work at

'She's been singing your praises for a good five minutes': Good samaritan gets promoted while shopping at a local store he didn't work at

You're walking down the aisle, stacking up bottles of shampoo, boxes of cereal, cartons of milk… you answer people's questions, whether they ask nicely or not, because you need a salary at the end of the month. Sometimes you work the cashier, other times work the logistics. You're really a one-man show, but don't get paid enough to do it. Welcome to working at a supermarket. Tough times, tough times… One good samaritan was shopping at their local supermarket, eyeing the taco section. They'd bee…
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20+ Heartwarming Posts for Fed Up Employees Who Are Ready to Say ‘Bye’ to Their Boss

20+ Heartwarming Posts for Fed Up Employees Who Are Ready to Say ‘Bye’ to Their Boss

Why don't more employees take some well-deserved time off? First of all, the workload. It's hard to feel ‘okay’ with taking time off when your workload feels crushing. Bosses like to pile it up instead of hiring someone else. Why pay 2 salaries when you can pay 1? Not that they enjoy paying you for overtime… of course, they try to cram your projects and responsibilities into 8 or 9 hours. They don't want to pay you more . Second, work culture. Maybe they don't feel comfortable asking for time o…
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34 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

34 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

Eh, the weekend went by too fast… What is it with time? It really does fly when you're having fun. So, what about these wholesome memes and posts? They're here to put a smile on your face, my friend. Life is frustrating and we could all use some extra serotonin now and again. So if you're feeling overworked, underpaid, and just generally in dire need of a vacation, I've got you covered. Below you will find heartwarming stories by people who had cool encounters with strangers, pets, and even the…
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36 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

36 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

Yuck. I mean, yawn . Eh, same, same… Do you know what you're doing in life? I don't. I haven't a clue. Eat, sleep, work, repeat. The days drag on and turn into weeks that turn into months. Winter is crawling by at a snail's pace, and I wonder when the sun will come out (properly) and shine again. When does the cold end? Why is it still dark out past 5 pm? Summer, where are you? I wish I could fly somewhere and take a break, but money-wise, that's a problem. I bet for most people it's a problem.…
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34 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

34 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

I need a vacation asap. Work has me yawning in my seat, dreaming of powdery white sand, blue skies, green palm trees, and turquoise water. But one can only go on vacation if they can afford it, and unfortunately, I can't right now. So I'll sift through emails, organize folders, and do my boss's bidding in the meantime. What other choice do I have? Inflation is ruining us all. Heading out to the local store and buying groceries evokes anxiety in me like nothing else, except maybe car trouble. Si…
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'This is all I get': Person donates 6 bags of clothing and food to young family, then woman demands more

'This is all I get': Person donates 6 bags of clothing and food to young family, then woman demands more

You give someone your little finger, and they'll eventually take the whole hand. I learned the hard way that many people online are fishing for constant donations, and it usually isn't the ones who actually need it. I didn't really lose anything in the process, but I do wish I would have given certain things to people who would actually make use of them. One good-willed person's kindness went south after scouring ‘Free stuff’ groups online and offering 6 bags of clothing and food to a young fam…
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‘A breath of fresh air’: Heartless Karen throws tantrum about homeless man who ‘stinks,’ kind hotel employee pretends he's a guest and gives him free room with a hot shower

What a world we live in where kindness is something we have to “sneak” into our place of employment. It takes a truly caring person to risk their job in order to do the kind thing—especially when it comes to the U.S. and its homeless population. Most of the rules and regulations go against helping a houseless person. You constantly see employees “shooing” away homeless people from their property as if they were nothing less than a rodent who wandered in. It's heartbreaking. But what are you sup…
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‘She’s not leaving': Roommates invite evicted neighbor to stay with them for 2 weeks, but once they pass, neighbor doesn't leave

‘She’s not leaving': Roommates invite evicted neighbor to stay with them for 2 weeks, she doesn't pay a dime and then refuses to leave

People like to think of themselves as 'good people', and will go to great lengths to prove to themselves and others that they are decent, kind, welcoming, and helpful. Then comes a day when they wish they could take it all back, and that is usually the day when all their kindness comes back to bite them… Hard. In this case, a few roommates heard that their neighbor was being evicted, and it being Thanksgiving, they just didn't think it was right to leave her out in the cold. So, they did what a…
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the rock, dwayne johnson, wrestler, wrestling, wwe, actor, acting, hollywood, redemption, wholesome, snickers, 7 eleven, hawaii, chocolate, chocolate bar, win, fail, good news, good story

"It was the least I could do considering all the sh*t I used to steal from here": Dwayne Johnson Buys Hundreds of Candy Bars From His Childhood 7-Eleven in a Wholesome Act of Redemption

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nice moments and wholesome memes

Wholesome Moments That Prove People Are Pretty Alright

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A happy senior mistakes a man's car for a taxi, and a wholesome ride ensues | r/IDontWorkHereLady Join u/somethingwithatwo2 1y 's beautiful day train ride XL Right so this took place way back 2007 my early twenties, working full time at an auto parts store drove white 1982 Nissan Pulsar ancient but no complaints Relevant promise s 7am driving work one morning and pull up at crosswalk allow dog walker pass .

Cheery Senior Mistakes Man's Car For Taxi, Wholesome Ride Ensues

A beautiful random act of kindness.
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The kindest things that people have done or witnessed. | nevermind-stet 15h 7 Awards talking some random guy bar, and he said he having surgery next day and didn't have someone pick him up after ended up driving him there, sitting with him before he went back, calling his parents he got out, sitting with him recovery, picking up his post op meds, driving him home, and making sure he okay before left. Never saw him again, and 's okay. Edit: aww, thanks guys answer couple questions: Dude just grab

AskReddit Thread: Kindest Things People Have Done Or Seen

A little wholesome can go a long way.
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wholesome random act of kindness shoes work boots working stranger facebook - 8533253

Working Dude Gets Help from Stranger's Act of Kindness in 4 Images

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random act of kindness twitter emotional faith in humanity social media - 8147973

A Grateful Woman's Story About The Heroic Kindness Of A Stranger In 8 Tweets

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acts of kindness nobody asked for

14 People Share The Really Annoying Acts Of Kindness They Never Needed

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random act of kindness GoPro Video - 357126

Lost GoPro Records Rare Act Of Kindness

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