

Two People Seemed to Think it Was a Themed Prom...

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Poorly Dressed: Bulgarian Prom. OR: "How Not to Prom"

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So the Prom Was "Sports in Space" Themed?

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Via No Way Girl

Going Stag to Prom is Really Tough for a Young Lady

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Stealing a Peek FAIL

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Prom Location WIN

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Parenting Fails: "No Funny Business"

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Created by nicolerf14

Getting All of the... Kitty

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Prom Gone Wrong

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The Cake of Friendzone

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Let Me Show You the Kiss of My People

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"Website" FAIL

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Created by mr. meme

FAIL Nation: Prom Pics FAIL

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Via Reddit

Legs Feel Like They're On Burning From the Inside Out? Check.

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I Don't See How Anyone Could Take Issue With That

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This is Going to the Best Prom Ever!

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