

'Just a matter of time before he'll have to explain': Neighbor doubles down on overreaction

'Just a matter of time before he'll have to explain': Neighbor doubles down on overreaction

These people have a great plan to deal with a not-so-nice neighbor . No matter where you grew up, chances are you've encountered a neighbor like the guy in this story. He seems a bit cranky, overreactive, and anti-social. You can try as hard as you want to be nice to this neighbor, but it won't matter much. Some people just want to be left alone all the time. This is the kind of neighbor who yells at kids who are playing in their own backyards, or calls their parents to complain that they're sk…
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Ex-Wife Enforces Petty Divorce Rule, Husband Gets Even With Malicious Compliance, Both Get Roasted Online

Ex-Wife Enforces Petty Divorce Rule, Husband Gets Even With Malicious Compliance, Both Get Roasted Online

Divorce court has essentially become a cesspool of petty behavior. Many of us know this from personal experience, and the rest of us know from soapy film and television. Regardless, it doesn't take a stranger to divorce to understand that when kids are involved, it does not take long for vindictive parents to start using their children as pawns. This dude was the recipient of pettiness during his divorce when his ex-wife enforced a rule that essentially meant that any future long-term partner o…
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'Finally, I would be rid of him': Guy deletes all disrespectful coworker's contributions to the company as long-awaited payback

'Finally, I would be rid of him': Guy deletes all disrespectful coworker's contributions to the company as long-awaited payback

Sometimes the best petty revenge is pretending like your enemy simply doesn't exist. This could be as simple as a change in mentality. However, not concerning yourself with someone's existence (especially a coworker) might not be enough. Sure, it's probably the more mature thing to do, but we're not necessarily concerned with maturity here at FAIL Blog. This employee had been repeatedly disrespected over the years by a coworker that he trained from the very beginning. Not to sound like an old p…
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wholesome relationship living together teenagers revenge revenge-stories petty dad mildly infuriating Reddit son Father - 24196357

'We worked things out and promised not to drive each other crazy on purpose': Teen drives dad mad for months by moving his stuff within 1-meter radius, revenge wholesomely brings them closer

This must be one of the most subtly infuriating revenge stories, and it's truly ingenious. Living with someone inevitably exposes you to their idiosyncrasies, those small habits that can seriously grate on your nerves. It could be the way they tidy up, their pillow arrangement, or the way they always leave their toothbrush out – the seemingly trivial things that still drive you mad. In this father-son dynamic, the father finds himself unable to tolerate the disorderly way his teen leaves everyt…
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‘It’s not my fault you spent all your money': Woman refuses to lend brother money after he blew through his entire inheritance

‘It’s not my fault you spent all your money': Woman refuses to lend brother money after he blew through his entire inheritance

Should money and family go hand in hand? The reality is, there isn't really a way around it. From the moment you are born, your parents have to financially support you, and as you grow up, money is always an issue that needs to be addressed. Even once you become a financially independent adult, somehow money always is a conversation at some point in family meetings. So as much as I would love to say you shouldn't mix family with money, I know it is not the most realistic advice, and the woman w…
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'Don't mess with the wrong tenants': Landlord ignores maintenance requests for two months, tenant fires back with steep fines

'Don't mess with the wrong tenants': Landlord ignores maintenance requests for two months, tenant fires back with steep fines

There's nothing like seeing the look on a landlord's face after they have been majorly called out for being entirely unresponsive. It's somehow a mix between a look of feeling betrayed and the look of a child who is having a really hard time pretending they didn't just break the rules. But all landlords who ignore tenants' maintenance requests to the point that the living conditions become, well, unlivable should know better. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit by u/New-…
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‘You could have programmed the correct number, but you didn’t': Woman gets back at person who fails to program correct number into phone while inquiring about horse

‘You could have programmed the correct number, but you didn’t': Woman gets back at person who fails to program correct number into phone while inquiring about horse

Sometimes you punch in a number on your phone to call someone, and a total stranger ends up on the other line. You called the wrong number, no big deal. Then you do it again, and again… and again. Until the person on the other side is wondering why it's so hard to call the RIGHT number. It's a fair question. This woman was contacted via text 5 times over the span of a year and a half, and it was always the same person inquiring about the same thing… A horse. The woman, OP, had no idea what they…
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prank prank-call phone phone-number blocked call caller contact horse horses horse-prank reddit petty petty-revenge

'We're about to take [your horse] out back... Old Yeller style': Guy pranks a wrong number after being pestered for months for updates on the stranger's horse

Believe it or not, caller ID was invented in the 80's, but it still took several decades to figure out how to completely block an incoming call. Imagine all the tedious hardships that would have been avoided if blocking a phone number had been a thing sooner? There certainly wouldn't be as many horror movies dedicated to villains in masks hiding behind an unknown number.
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Driver Gets Back at Mansplaining Colleague, Sabotages Friend's Plans

Driver Gets Back at Mansplaining Colleague, Sabotages Friend's Plans

Sometimes, the only way to get someone to leave you alone is to play the game for a bit and wait until the perfect moment for payback. This rideshare driver decided that his female colleague needed guidance, so he took her under his wing. At this point, it sounds like the intentions are well-meaning, but it gets worse really quickly. First, he started to give the Redditor tons of unsolicited advice about her eating. Big red flag right there! Then, he buys her a brand-new iPhone using his mother…
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opinion ask reddit workplace-stories-reddit workplace-stories school petty-revenge-reddit funny stories funny story askreddit petty revenge petty workplace funny opinions - 24173573

'She failed them all... they couldn't do a thing about it': 20+ Expert-level petty revenge stories

Sometimes you get back at someone in such a beautifully righteous way that you never forget it. Maybe you think of the perfect retort to someone's jab at you, and it gets a huge laugh. Or maybe, like these people, you come up with an utterly perfect solution to your problems. U/trexradar87 was curious what people's “best/funniest personal example of petty revenge ” was, and the answers are inspiring. Several people had to deal with lunchtime bullies who ate their food or stole it, and had some…
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pro revenge landlord maintenance malicious compliance revenge court innocent tenant petty rent Reddit apartment - 24116229

'His face was so red at the end I thought he'd have a heart attack': Landlord takes tenant to court after failing to pay rent, tenant wins and gets 9 months of free rent

The tenant knew he had some leverage in this case, but he never expected it to play out so well for him. The OP in this story formerly would sit in on tenant/landlord disputes for an old job of his, so he knew how to work his way around the court. In fact, the OP actually knew he'd get summoned for not paying his rent…which is exactly why he chose to do so. He wanted to blindside his landlord with all of the unlawful schemes the complex has been trying to pull for the last few years...
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'Totally worth the one star': Passenger gets petty revenge on an bad-mannered ride-share driver

The day that ride-share apps became a thing was the same day that yellow cabs got the boot. Back in the good ol' days of ride-sharing, you could hitch a ride with a stranger in their private vehicle for about $8-10 a trip. Nowadays, with the money-grubbing corporate vultures coming for the carcass of a snazzy startup, that same ride is going to take 10x as long and cost triple. What happened?
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'Your granny is a petty revenge master': Family RSVPs for wedding, then doesn't show up

'Your granny is a petty revenge master': Family RSVPs for wedding, then doesn't show up

‘Your granny is a petty revenge master’
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'[I] threw all of the snow on her vehicle': Neighbor buries Karen's car in snow after she steals parking spot

'[I] threw all of the snow on her vehicle': Neighbor buries Karen's car in snow after she steals parking spot

Never underestimate the power of a shovel! This Karen tried to get away with stealing a neighbor's parking spot while the neighbor was literally shoveling snow to make room for her boyfriend's car. Did this entitled lady think that her neighbor was simply making room for her own car? It takes a certain kind of audacity to take something that's not yours right in front of that person! But that's the kind of warped mindset Karens have when they want something. It doesn't matter who it belongs to;…
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boss insurance employee belittle gift card reward auditor petty Horrible Bosses Reddit company - 24079621

'[It's] a slap in the face': Employee catches a multi-million-dollar mistake, company rewards her a $30 gift card as a thanks

We've all heard about the underwhelming gifts companies sometimes give their employees—whether it's a questionable free breakfast, an after-hours company party where you're expected to contribute a dish, or a mediocre pen. Those in corporate America have pretty much seen it all. However, one woman discovered a significant mistake in the company's finances that could have cost them millions of dollars. Going above and beyond, she thoroughly investigated the numbers and was proven right. Despite…
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‘I’m gonna give your dog away': Woman gifts her sister and boyfriend a puppy but they break up, now the sisters can't decide who is responsible for the dog

‘I’m gonna give your dog away': Woman gifts her sister and boyfriend a puppy but they break up, now the sisters can't decide who is responsible for the dog

You can divide the people of the world into two groups. The first group is people who see their pets as actual family members. People who think twice before they adopt an animal, and seriously consider all the factors of bringing in a pet inside their household. Once they do, that pet gets treated like any other family member, and is loved equally. The second group of people, and I'm sure you can see where I am going with this, are the people who see pets as just another piece of furniture in t…
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