

Funny images of cats ruining things | white cat with spots sticking its head through a hole in a purple wall | grey cat sitting on top of a pizza slice in a cardboard box

Cats Messing Stuff Up

They don't care about anything.
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Nicknames people gave their pets | Ruddy Duck Stays Home @RuddyDuck22 Replying EmilyRose_S and @Sarcasticluther Gabby and Izzy call them Gabbaroo and Queen Isabella Ruler Universe Boss Everybody Love these girls. 9 Kerry McManus and 16 others 2 Comments O uke O Comment Share 10:07 AM Apr 26, 2020 Twitter Android

Pets Actual Names Versus what Owners Call Them

Like nothing, "Ruffles" can get turned into "Grumpo the Giblet-Hound"
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Rude entitled dog sitting customer is a hypocrite | Final offer sorry about situation, but these are still my rates offering 95 less than asked CHILD don't need money single hardworking mother do even understand is business is unethical and frankly disgusting

Rude Hypocrite Wants Dog Sitter with Zero Notice

That's some impressive nerve.
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How peoples pets responded to identical twins | krispykremeguy 10.9k points 11 hours ago never had pets growing up, so my twin pretty nervous. My wife's 9-lb Pomeranian could smell his fear and preyed on .

How People's Pets Responded to Identical Twins

It's a bit of a spectrum.
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Guy pets cat and evaluates it in funny way.

Guy Evaluating Cat Like it's a Car

7 seconds of wholesome cat evaluation.
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Tumblr thread on how cats are needy and talk like disparaged victorian children | froody Removes my cat my lap do something else My cat: Father is evil? Father is unyielding? Father is incapable love am running away am packing my little rucksack and going out explore world as lone vagabond can no longer thrive this household.

Tumblr Agrees Cats Talk like Disparaged Victorian Children

They say it with the eyes.
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Tumblr thread explains why parents need to teach their kids to respect pets | ANAEINT Dún Laoghaire K9, LLC June 13, 2016 Instagram O HAIRE R Prime example NOT allow. Eventually will come head and dog will have enough. This child will be injured and this dog will be labeled aggressive and rehomed or likely euthanized. Stop allowing children mistreat dogs s not cute s not funny s not playful s dangerous and stupid dog and child pay consequences parents lack common sense.

Thread Explains Why Kids Should be Taught to Respect Pets

It can avoid a nasty situation down the line.
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Inaccurate "Beware of Dog" signs and the silly animals with them | cute husky dog leaning his head between gate bars. cute dog sleeping on the ground in the sun.

"Beware of Dog" Signs That Aren't Exactly Accurate

They're not exactly snarling monsters.
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AskReddit replies to pet owners revealing their animals' quirkiest behavior | posted by Uparupa212 have cat plays fetch with his stuffed animals. He also gets annoyed don't throw stuffed animal far enough, and loves chase down stairs into basement.

Pet Owners Reveal Their Animals' Quirkiest Behavior

The quirkier the better when it comes to pets being weird.
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Cats and dogs with mustache, goatees, beards and other facial hair | black cat with yellow eyes and white marks under its nose that look like a mustache. black fluffy cat with white marks and long whiskers that look like an impressive handlebar mustache

Animals (Mostly Cats) with Mustaches

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Professional dogs with responsibilities.

Professional Good Dogs Who Take Their Work Seriously

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Dogs in awkward sleeping positions.

Tired Dogs in Awkward Sleeping Positions

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Guy makes short film out of feeding his gecko crickets in a colosseum.

Guy Turns Feeding His Gecko Into Gladiatorial Marvel

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pets donations Cats animals - 8992005

Someone's Giving The Cats At Austin Pets Alive! A Ton Of Ridiculous Names

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Nice mom spontaneously decides to adopt a gigantic mastiff and her puppies.

Saintly Mom Spontaneously Decides To Adopt Gigantic Mastiff And Her Puppies From Humane Society

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cheap dog owner has insane demands from dogsitter

Insanely Demanding Woman Wants Person to Watch Her Diabetic Dog for Cheap

We can't think of a worse pet sitting situation out there. This lady doesn't even promise the small amount of money she offers, deliberately withholds information about the dog's condition until after the sitter would have agreed, and then calls her weak for not wanting to totally derail her life for a hundred bucks. Absolutely phenomenal. This thread was posted to Imgur by @Ladykryptonitex, and it just goes to show the lengths that people will go to rip off others, especially when they are in…
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