
parking spot

‘I dutifully called the towing company’: Restaurant owner gets their car towed after parking in neighbor's assigned spot following manager's demands that neighbor 'stop calling them'

‘I dutifully called the towing company’: Restaurant owner gets their car towed after parking in neighbor's assigned spot following manager's demands that neighbor 'stop calling them'

Assigned spots are assigned for a reason, or so you would think. One restaurant owner felt entitled to his neighbor's spot in the parking garage because it served him in the sense that it was close to the restaurant he owned. At first, OP, the neighbor, had no idea that it was the restaurant owner. All they knew was that there was someone parking in their assigned spot. OP would call the restaurant again and again, asking them to move the car, and to stop parking there. Restaurant management co…
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'Good luck parking now': Driver's targeted parking move backfires when one person restricts access to their parking space

'Good luck parking now': Driver's targeted parking move backfires when one person restricts access to their parking space

Big, packed parking lots are my nightmare. Trying to maneuver my small car in between angry drivers who I believe are out to get me is one of my least favorite things to do in the world. If you own a car, you don't really have a choice… You just have to accept your fate. This person was going Christmas shopping in Philly when they encountered a parking lot Karen who had carefully surveilled the situation before her. OP had their blinker on, and was waiting patiently for another driver to vacate…
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karen karens karens-in-the-wild holiday holidays holiday-shopping shopping season handicapped parking parking-spot Christmas public-freakout funny

'YOU'RE IN MY SPOT': Not-so-merry Karen tries to to steal a guy's parking spot to get her holiday shopping done, gets put in her place

The holiday season can be earmarked by chaos, mayhem, and grouchy shoppers. Although every Hallmark movie boasts about cheerful worldly interactions and whimsical holiday shopping, any home-grown American can tell you that all decorum and merriment is thrown out the window the moment you set foot in the department store parking lot.
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'You need to move your car': Couple parks on neighbor's driveway, retort ‘we're not parking here' when asked to move

'You need to move your car': Couple parks on neighbor's driveway, retort ‘we're not parking here' when asked to move

'The apple doesn't fall from the tree' does not only apply to family situations but also to friends. People say that if you look at a person's friends, you'll know who they are, but that isn't always the case. See, even when you are lucky enough to land a house with good neighbors, their guests aren't always so polite. In this case, u/cycloscott dealt with the usual, run-of-the-mill Karen, after finding his entire driveway blocked thanks to her and her husband parking their car on it. OP approa…
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‘I corrected his behavior; he never parked over the lines again’: Resident gets even with neighbor who dents his car in building parking spot and doesn't leave a note

‘I corrected his behavior; he never parked over the lines again’: Resident gets even with neighbor who dents his car in building parking spot and doesn't leave a note

Some buildings have assigned parking spaces for residents, which would solve a lot of issues, or so you'd think. In this case, one resident was unable to park correctly, as he constantly parked over the line, eventually denting OP's car. At first, before the denting occurred, OP was annoyed that his neighbor was constantly parking over the line, leaving OP little room to park. But after finding dents in his car, without a note, OP was livid. His neighbor was not only irresponsible, inconsiderat…
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'You can't park here’: Karen gets citation after demanding deaf woman move car to handicapped space, stating ‘normal’ spots are for non handicapped people

'You can't park here’: Karen gets citation after demanding deaf woman move car to handicapped space, stating ‘normal’ spots are for non handicapped people

Parking lot debacles are becoming more commonplace, with Karens running rampant, who are quick to call the cops whenever they feel like being a martyr. Whether it is to gain some 'good person' points or because they're bored and in need of attention, it's something that is perplexing and frustrating for people worldwide. In this case, OP borrowed her father's minivan, which had a handicap plate, to go to Walmart. Even though OP was deaf, they didn't park in a handicapped space because being dea…
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'I became the HOA president': Resident gets even with neighbors who block his parking spot by joining HOA; becomes president, fines them

'I became the HOA president': Resident gets even with neighbors who block his parking spot by joining HOA; becomes president, fines them

Karens infiltrate slowly into virtuous neighborhoods with a heavy sense of entitlement, ignoring HOA bylaws, under the assumption that they are divinely above it all. In this case, OP had a couple of parking spots that were legally his, that were occasionally empty. Whether they were occupied or not, OP's new neighbors took advantage of the Australian law which was lacking in the car parking department, and decidedly parked their own cars in those spots. They also began inviting family, friends…
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