package delivery

'I don't work here, lady': Delivery guy agrees to scan woman's groceries at her insistence

'I don't work here, lady': Delivery guy agrees to scan woman's groceries at her insistence

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Update: Supervisor forced into new role after writing up delivery driver for going above and beyond: 'Wanna discipline me for being right?'

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Entitled Karen demands delivery driver shovel her snow-laden driveway: 'I left her a message in the snow'

Update: Dog owner reports mailman who finds numerous reasons to avoid their house: 'He didn't deliver for a WEEK':

Update: Dog owner reports mailman who finds numerous reasons to avoid their house: 'He didn't deliver for a WEEK'

'Fine then, no package for you': Family refuses to open door to bike courier during dinner hour

'Fine then, no package for you': Family refuses to open door to bike courier during dinner hour

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'He never questioned me [...] ever again': Manager demands employee follow their inferior process, experiences immediate regret

'He threw a temper tantrum': Coworker gets fired after other delivery drivers get back at him through malicious compliance

'He threw a temper tantrum': Coworker gets fired after other delivery drivers get back at him through malicious compliance

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'I want my pizza for free': Karen answers door naked, demands free pizza, pizza guy calls police

AskReddit | Delivery drivers of Reddit, what have you experienced on a delivery that you will never forget?

'There was now a man sitting in the driver's seat': 13 Delivery Drivers Share Their Most Insane and Memorable Stories

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There Was No Mat to Leave it Under

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How to Get Your Competitors to Advertise For You

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USPS Driver Drives Onto Customer's Lawn to Deliver a Package

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The Definition of Insanity: Doing the Same Thing Over and Over and Expecting a Different Result

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Looks Like Netflix Forgot to Add a 'Do Not Burn' Sticker

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Going Incognito

UPS package delivery delivery monday thru friday g rated - 6529322240

UPS Delivery Guys: Former Stealth Ops Agents, All of Them

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