
night shift

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23 Memes to Keep Nighttime Employees Awake During the Graveyard Shift

the night shift is not for the weak
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‘That was that’: Tall 6'5 co-worker bullies female coworker for having a short 5'3 boyfriend, so she gets him ‘promoted’ to an underpaid nightshift

‘That was that’: Tall 6'5 coworker bullies female coworker for having a short 5'3 boyfriend, so she gets him ‘promoted’ to an underpaid night shift

Sometimes a promotion can actually be your downfall.
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r-askhr, r-antiwork, unjustly-fired, fired-stories

'I got fired over [false] TikTok allegations': Unfair termination of young night shift nurse sparks others to share their stories of unjustly being let go

The job market is not so easy these days. Long gone are the times when you could just march into some big boss' office with optimism and a hard work ethic and land a job. Wouldn't it be nice If that were still a thing? Unfortunately, it has gotten a lot more complicated and competitive. Now, you need experience in order to get the experience and be willing to work deathly shifts. Take, for instance, this young nurs e. Only 23 years old, she has been working the night shift at a youth psych hosp…
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‘I canceled the room to get her away from me’: Hotel guest throws a tantrum over room reservation, front desk clerk forced to give her a refund

‘I canceled the room to get her away from me’: Hotel guest throws a tantrum over room reservation, front desk clerk forced to give her a refund

Imagine you are sitting in an uncomfortable, old desk chair that needed to be replaced about 10 years ago, and instead of staring at the empty hotel lobby in front of you, you opt instead to play some Solitaire on your as equally old computer. You are just about stumped when your game is interrupted by a Karen who is on her way to interrupt your peace. She enters the lobby with a dramatic air about her, shouting words that you can't quite make out yet until she gets a bit closer. Anddddd, you h…
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