

Be nice to your neighbors, you never want to end up in a feud. From Hatfield and McCoy's to Karen and Kyle and every other lovely person you could meet, it's best to make cookies, not war.

'We have decided to grant you two days': Anonymous neighbor group pens note protesting decorative plants

'We have decided to grant you two days': Anonymous neighbor group pens note protesting decorative plants

A group of 14 neighbors apparently banded together to write an unintentionally funny note . There's at least one person in this neighborhood who is absolutely incensed over fake plants . Fake plants are optimal for people who are constantly forgetting to water their plants, or just don't want the responsibilities of watering them all the time. Other people just like the look of plants that appear bright and blooming year-round. Not to mention that many fake plants really do look like the real t…
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'I better not see any of your garbage on this sidewalk ever again': Guy gets back at neighborhood kids for tossing junk over their fence

'I better not see any of your garbage on this sidewalk ever again': Guy gets back at neighborhood kids for tossing junk over their fence

Kids will be kids, but also petty neighbors will still be petty! In fact, there is perhaps no greater rivalry than a group of rebellious kids and a disgruntled adult neighbor with a knack for being petty. We empathize with this neighbor's predicament here because not only were these kids repeatedly littering just for the fun of it, but if their parents weren't going to teach them a lesson, who was? If not now, when? Am I right, reader? This dude started to discover piles of trash on the sidewal…
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Entitled Neighbor Steals Parking Space for Four Months, Resident Covers Car With Dog’s Mess: 'It was absolutely disgusting and honestly I feel pretty proud of myself'

Entitled Neighbor Steals Parking Space for Four Months, Resident Covers Car With Dog’s Mess: 'It was absolutely disgusting and honestly I feel pretty proud of myself'

Sometimes, neighbors act out of ignorance; other times, their actions are deliberate and, therefore, worthy of payback. It is custom to give someone the benefit of the doubt the first time they inconvenience you. They may even get a second opportunity to mess up but perhaps you kindly alert them this time. However, once we arrive at three grievances, it's time to take matters into your own hands and to give these reckless fools a taste of their own medicine. Here, we have a resident who was liv…
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'Spent $112.38 tonight for fish that wasn't done': Funny one-star reviews from Karen customers

'Spent $112.38 tonight for fish that wasn't done': Funny one-star reviews from Karen customers

It takes a certain kind of person to be a difficult customer at a restaurant; it takes another kind of person to go out of their way to write a completely off-base one-star review. These three reviews may all be referring to different kinds of restaurants: a taco place, a dog-friendly café, and a fancy restaurant. However, they also have a few characteristics in common: 1) they are poorly written, with grammatical errors all over the place; 2) it is clear from the get-go that the writers of the…
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'I got every house... except for his': Guy gets stuck with 17 inch 'ice wall' after rebuffing neighbor

'I got every house... except for his': Guy gets stuck with 17-inch 'ice wall' after rebuffing neighbor

You've got to respect your neighbor's wishes . Many a neighborhood would be more peaceful if everyone could do that! Seems like every neighborhood has at least one person who's the designated weather warrior. In the winter, this person is awake at 5 AM, armed with a bag of salt and a snowblower . During the fall, they'll help you rake and bag your leaves. During the warmer seasons, you'll usually find them outside spreading soil for their plants, or watering their neighbor's vegetable garden wh…
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‘Have fun driving on ice for the next few weeks': Snow shoveling neighbor gets back at woman in neighborhood, refusing to plow her driveway

‘Have fun driving on ice for the next few weeks': Snow shoveling neighbor gets back at woman in neighborhood, refusing to plow her driveway

When you do someone a favor, the last thing you would expect them to do is to be ungrateful. After all, you don't owe them anything, and you are simply doing something for them out of the goodness of your heart. So it makes no sense that the woman in this story was so out of left field with her kind neighbor, who at first, was happy to plow her driveway after seeing it was covered in 12 inches of snow. Driving over the ice that was soon going to form would be no easy task, and this man decided…
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'Her story was the stuff of legends': Absentee employee requests job reference from former boss

'Her story was the stuff of legends': Absentee employee requests job reference from former boss

This worker just couldn't stop fabricating tales. Of all the places to start lying, the workplace is one of the most risky. If you choose to spill a few little white lies to your coworkers, you probably won't get caught. Lying to your boss is a whole different game, though. Maybe your friends invite you to the beach on a gorgeous summer day, so you tell your boss that your grandma has passed on. Is it bad form? Yes. But you get to have a fun day in the sun, and your boss is none the wiser. The…
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‘I got on the HOA board and tore it apart': HOA penalizes young resident with fines, he plays the long game and guts HOA, getting vice president fired and his house foreclosed for unpaid fines amounting to $10,000

‘I got on the HOA board and tore it apart': HOA penalizes young resident with fines, he plays the long game and guts HOA, getting vice president fired and his house foreclosed for unpaid fines amounting to $10,000

One man dismantled his HOA after getting on the board and exacting some well-deserved payback after they gave him ridiculous fines. Why even live in a neighborhood with an HOA? This person explained why he felt he had no choice, as the neighborhood he chose to buy a house in had the lowest HOA rates in the city, the fewest rules, and most importantly, the house was listed well within his budget. After a few weeks, OP began regretting his decision, because he was fined for two things… One, his l…
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Update: Couple Discovers Petty Neighbor Poisoned Their Lawn, They Tip off the Authorities

Update: Couple Discovers Petty Neighbor Poisoned Their Lawn, They Tip off the Authorities

The juicy back-and-forth between warring neighbors will never stop being entertaining. Whether it's the small town gossiping or petty grievances over mail and property lines, we are accustomed to coming across stories of entitled, anti-neighborly behavior here at FAIL Blog. That being said, it is rare to come across a multi-part saga in which one resident chooses to go so far as to poison the grass on their neighbor's lawn. Not only does that qualify as extremely anti-neighborly behavior, but a…
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hoa neighbors parking space parking lot malicious compliance parking ticket neighborhood revenge parking drama homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories parking stories petty revenge terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 23900677

'She couldn't get it out': Lazy neighbor pays the ice when her car gets snowed over after stealing her neighbors' already cleared spots

In stories, when a character has done something wrong or displays a glaring personality flaw, there's generally a direct price that is played at some point in the story, usually soon thereafter. In life, there are relatively few times when the lesson or moral to the story of your wrongful actions is quite so clear. No, usually, we get away with being generally lazy, cruel, entitled, or plain old wrong for far too long before that karmic pendulum swings back in our direction… sometimes, we may e…
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‘I dutifully called the towing company’: Restaurant owner gets their car towed after parking in neighbor's assigned spot following manager's demands that neighbor 'stop calling them'

‘I dutifully called the towing company’: Restaurant owner gets their car towed after parking in neighbor's assigned spot following manager's demands that neighbor 'stop calling them'

Assigned spots are assigned for a reason, or so you would think. One restaurant owner felt entitled to his neighbor's spot in the parking garage because it served him in the sense that it was close to the restaurant he owned. At first, OP, the neighbor, had no idea that it was the restaurant owner. All they knew was that there was someone parking in their assigned spot. OP would call the restaurant again and again, asking them to move the car, and to stop parking there. Restaurant management co…
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'CONGRATULATIONS! You mowed': Top Mildly Infuriating Neighbors

'CONGRATULATIONS! You mowed': Top Mildly Infuriating Neighbors

Some people in this world have nothing better to do than spy on their neighbors, gossip about them, and start pointless conflicts with them. Whatever happened to leaving one another alone? Ah, who am I kidding? I love the gossip part, but I would never go so far as to buy a camera to spy on someone or to report them every time they grilled food. That's just creepy and/or annoying. Get a life, people! That being said, there is some satisfaction that comes with reading about these neighbor wars.…
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'Everybody is joining in, and it’s hilarious': Neighborhood joins together to combat traffic light issue

'Everybody is joining in, and it’s hilarious': Neighborhood joins together to combat traffic light issue

An entire neighborhood was stuck waiting in traffic , until a hero showed up. As if commutes weren't annoying enough, this person, u/sturtze, kept getting stuck in traffic every single day. That's bound to happen when everyone is trying to get to work by 8 or 9 in the morning. The roads clog up with cars, which can create bottlenecks and long waits. But this person had a uniquely bad scenario, as they shared in their malicious compliance story below. This is a great story of neighbors working t…
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'You're not entitled to this spot!': Top Stories of Entitled Karens, Neighbors, and Family Members

'You're not entitled to this spot!': Top Stories of Entitled Karens, Neighbors, and Family Members

Now that the year has come to a close, let's look back at some of the most memorable stories of entitled people and their ridiculous tantrums. From a neighbor who claimed someone else's parking spot indefinitely to a sister-in-law's outlandish demand… from a former landlord's unnecessary request to a guy who ran off with his brother's ex … let's just say that 2023 was not short on entitled behavior. Hopefully, people remember what it is to be generous, or at the very least decent , next year. T…
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reddit entitled people neighbors neighborhood-drama neighborhood breaking owner reddit story funny Christmas merry christmas weird home home owner

'I fell through the roof and into his house': Guy breaks his neighbor's roof while trying to climb it, the tenant of the house refuses to let the owner fix it, wanting the compensation all to himself

I knew Santa Claus usually gets inside people's houses through their chimneys on the roof, But I never thought I would see my neighbor strolling around on top of my house and then come crashing down. In all fairness, this story didn't happen to me, but I just had to share it. This neighbor got locked outside his house and thought that in order to get back inside, the best solution was to go on top of his neighbor's roof and try to open his window from there. Unfortunately, the roof didn't manag…
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'It was time to protest the overreaching HOA': Teacher hires lawyer to save his pecan tree

'It was time to protest the overreaching HOA': Teacher hires lawyer to save his pecan tree

When you find your dream home, you may have to put up with an HOA. Home Owners Associations are a “necessary and unavoidable evil” when buying a home, as the homeowner in this story knew all too well. It's all well and good to say, “Just avoid buying a home in an HOA area, how hard could it be?” Well, pretty difficult, actually. Depending on the town you want to live in, your U/JMP817 shared their favorite malicious compliance story ever, which happened to be enacted by their high school teache…
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