

FAILS errors construction comedy DIY building mistake funny home apartment - 25616901

20 Construction and DIY Flaws That Lack All Common Sense

If you pay attention to your surroundings, you are likely to discover a series of design choices that make absolutely no sense. You know, the kind of aesthetic decisions that make you wonder who in their right mind signed off on this? You might stumble upon these design and structural flaws on the street, in a public restroom, or even in your friend's house. Sometimes, these flaws are too hard to ignore. I distinctly remember touring the so-called “perfect apartment” and informing my roommate t…
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'Couldn't remember groomsmen, went with dudesmaids instead': 20+ Times forgetful people made up their own words

'Couldn't remember groomsmen, went with dudesmaids instead': 20+ Times forgetful people made up their own words

The word is on the tip of your tongue , but you just can't quite remember it… It's a universal experience in this human life of ours. To err is human, and to forget words and make up something silly is funny. Parents do this all the time. Your parent will look at you, name all your siblings and forget your name, and then finally just give up and say, “You, that one. Don't forget your lunch.” Though parents have mastered the art of misspeaking, they aren't the only ones who remix words to their…
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principal school schools parents high-school mom mother parents parenting teacher teachers school meeting funny lol youthful son detention mistaken old age young

'Apparently he sent me to the office for detention': Principal mistakes a youthful mom for a tardy student, hilarity ensues in the teacher's lounge

Is this a compliment?
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'Class of 2021 or something': 25+ Misprints that made it to the finished product

'Class of 2021 or something': 25+ Misprints that made it to the finished product

Making a custom order can be the perfect gift, but only if the creator actually writes what you want! There are seemingly quite a few sellers out there who have taken some liberties with what they'll write on a shirt or a cake. Getting a custom birthday cake for someone is usually a sweet surprise. The birthday celebrator gets to have a professional-looking cake to take photos with and commemorate the occasion. But as you can see from the numerous examples below, sometimes a simple request for…
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'They were trying to peel eggs with a vegetable peeler': 40+ People who were stumped by common household items

'They were trying to peel eggs with a vegetable peeler': 40+ People who were stumped by common household items

These problem-solvers got creative with their kitchen gadgets and random objects. At least they're keeping everyone around them in fits of giggles. No two households are the same, so the things you find normal will be foreign to someone else. Even something as simple as operating a can opener or a toaster can be confusing at another person's house . Maybe one of the most common ones in my experience is trying to figure out how to work someone else's shower. You don't want to push, pull, or turn…
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'A look of horror crossed his face': Woman's demands go wrong after she orders another mother to share ginger 'candy' with her kid

'A look of horror crossed his face': Woman's demands go wrong after she orders another mother to share ginger 'candy' with her kid

The account that follows is the story of an extremely entitled mother who finally learned valuable life lessons such as never accepting candy from strangers, setting boundaries, and being cautious around strangers. The story starts when OP invites her kids to the water park. Unfortunately, OP's severe motion sickness prevents her from enjoying the rides with her children. However, because being a mom requires sacrifice, OP arrived on site prepared, clutching a bag full of ginger candies that wo…
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reddit petty petty-revenge revenge payback deserved karen karens karens-in-the-wild server restaurant service-industry customer-service customer price payback

'The look on her face was priceless': Karen tries to skim $0.30 off her order then gets charged an extra $100 after drawing attention to other errors on her receipt

Apparently some Karens can't do math
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'[I] pretended to be the manager at my summer job': 25 Workers whose big mistakes at work could've gotten them fired

'[I] pretended to be the manager at my summer job': 25 Workers whose big mistakes at work could've gotten them fired

Maybe you aren't brave enough to share what happened on your worst day of work , but these anonymous workers are. At any company, the big bosses have to allow some room for mistakes. There will always be human errors as long as humans are employed. For many people, when they mess something up, their immediate reaction is to try and hide it from their boss. It seems like that worked out in some cases for these employees! What your manager doesn't know won't hurt them (as long as they don't find…
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'Dropped a tray of 6 root beers on 6 business men': 30+ People who ended up in embarrassing situations

'Dropped a tray of 6 root beers on 6 business men': 30+ People who tripped, bumbled, and flailed into embarrassing situations

‘Dropped a tray of 6 root beers on 6 business men’ me and a… clown on a unicycle crashed right into each other.
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car-guys car cars vehicle subaru twins matching mistake reddit malicious-compliance reddit-thread rage revenge payback road-rage

'It was one of the most epic epiphanies of his angry life': Guy finds a ding on ‘his’ car, destroys the identical model parked next to it as revenge before realizing he was beating up his own car

They say that guys who are obsessed with cars are the male equivalent of a horse girl. Obsessed with something that's taken over their whole personality, car guys are often a little too protective of their vehicles, which can lead to some spicy parking lot altercations. In this story, one car guy shot himself in the foot (big time) when he misidentified his precious vehicle.
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20+ Employees and their coworkers who made large errors at work

'He manages to destroy more than $2 million in material': 20+ Employees and their coworkers who made giant mistakes at work

These people shared the biggest and funniest ways they've ever messed up at work . Maybe they didn't find it funny at the time, but looking back on your mistakes can be hilarious. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, and some are much more serious than others. U/headtotoe asked people to tell about the worst mistakes they've ever made in the workplace. After a little bit of pushing from commenters, the OP shared the mistake that led them to ask the question. They wrote that at their data entry jo…
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'Her hair breaks off in my hand': 15+ Stylists and customers whose haircuts went off the rails

'Her hair breaks off in my hand': 15+ Stylists and customers whose haircuts went wrong

Everyone makes mistakes, barbers and hair stylists included. There are lots of jobs where mistakes are fine or even encouraged. Barbering is not one of those jobs. Hair stylists have the important role of helping you find the look that will suit you best and leave you happy and confident in your looks. It's easy to tell the difference when your hair has been butchered. People give you weird looks, compared to getting lots of compliments when you've had a good haircut . Sure, hair grows back if…
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'The waiter... asked us to stop eating the cake': Family disagrees over who owns a birthday cake

'The waiter... asked us to stop eating the cake': Family birthday celebration turns into dispute over who owns a birthday cake

I'd be cringing so hard if I was the person behind this birthday mixup … but mistakes happen. Celebrating your birthday is a great time to gather your friends and family members to celebrate your big day. Another year old and wiser! There's no one way to throw a party — some people like to have small house parties, while others love to invite the whole neighborhood over for a BBQ. And then there are others who love to dine at their favorite restaurants to celebrate — and that's what happened in…
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'Who Put You In Charge?' 33 Dreadfully Dumb Design Fails That Probably Got Someone Fired

'Who Put You In Charge?': 33 Dreadfully Dumb Design Fails That Probably Got Someone Fired

It wasn't me.
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uniform students messy marching band mistake band kevin - 19575301

'Hopefully the dry cleaners can fix it': Clueless Kevin instantly ruins brand new marching band uniform

“After 12 hard years of constant fundraising, our band finally bought new uniforms to replace our old ones from the 90s,” one student wrote, as they revealed how one goofy Kevin made a mess of it.
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When you run a small business and fill all your pipes with concrete making home decor

'Our entire floor had to be jackhammered': Small shop's mistake causes huge pipe disaster

A small business owner shared their recent disastrous findings, and people can't believe their eyes! Poor Sienna Studios just wanted to make some cute home decor items. They just didn't think about what might happen with the waste from their product creation until it was already too late.
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