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'Hard to explain this dad bod': 36 Childfree adults share the surprising disadvantages of not having kids

Count your blessings, parents
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'In health class, we had to plan a wedding': 20 useless things people actually learned in school

'In health class, we had to plan a wedding': 20 useless things people actually learned in school

Every school has its unique quirk within the curriculum that makes absolutely no sense. If there is one universal truth to education that extends from pre-K age through senior year of high school, it's that at any given moment, you are likely to encounter a head-scratching methodology to the way a certain subject is taught. Health class is always common fodder. Ensuring that everyone knows how to square dance is another bizarre lesson. I'm sure when students reach adulthood and are trying to wr…
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Mother gets back at childless ex-husband who pressured her to have kids early: 'I want to send him a "Happy Birthday" message from me & my son'

Mother gets back at childless ex-husband who pressured her to have kids early: 'I want to send him a "Happy Birthday" message from me & my son'

This might have been a situation where the higher road was worth taking. As tempting as it is to twist the knife and be your fullest, pettiest self, there is a limit to how far one should go. It's easy to roll your eyes at the concept, but happiness is the best form of revenge at the end of the day. This mother of a now toddler realized that her ex-husband's 30th birthday was approaching. They hadn't seen each other in two years since their divorce was officially finalized. Their marriage fell…
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'If I were your wife I’d ask for an IQ test': Podcast advice causes new father to ruin his marriage

'If I were your wife I’d ask for an IQ test': Podcast advice causes new father to ruin his marriage

If you're asking the internet, “Did I ruin my marriage?” the answer may already be clear.
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'Fine, you wanna play rough? Let's do this': Entitled parents try to micromanage the Little League snack stand worker before getting a taste of sweet, sugary revenge

Parents always claim that they're rationing their kiddo's sugar intake for the sake of their child's dental health. It's for their own good, right? Well, we see right through you, Mom and Dad, the real reason you're cutting sugar from your kid's diet is because kids are completely insufferable when they're on a sugar high and unbearably cranky when they're on the come-down.
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'They need to earn it’: School teacher demands fellow educators discipline students and stop giving them grades they don't deserve, internet reacts

'They need to earn it’: School teacher demands fellow educators discipline students and stop giving them grades they don't deserve, internet reacts

Kids these days… That's a sentence I hear often. 'They're always on their phones, they're not paying attention, they're not putting in the work'. Not all kids. But a lot. And I understand how frustrating it is for teachers and parents to discipline them. There are so many factors involved. One teacher was fed up with the current status and turned to Reddit to complain about what was happening in their school, and most likely in many more. They said that teachers were making things 'too easy' fo…
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'[She] was the absolute worst': Teacher embarrassed in front of entire class during satisfying guest presentation

'[She] was the absolute worst': Teacher embarrassed in front of entire class during satisfying guest presentation

Who didn't dream of seeing their least favorite teacher get their comeuppance? You may be 12 years old or you may be 42, but the truth of the matter is that no one forgets that one unnecessarily cruel teacher. This, of course, would be the so-called “educator” who didn't seem to enjoy any aspect of their job with the exception of disciplining children and asserting their power over their students. This would be that teacher who pre-judged you on Day One and who never let you prove yourself as a…
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'Have you forgotten the rules of my classroom?': Student gets back at teacher who refuses to pronounce their name right

'Have you forgotten the rules of my classroom?': Student gets back at teacher who refuses to pronounce their name right

Seems like every high school has that one teacher who is a self-proclaimed “stickler for the rules.” It's the teacher who loves to tell students that the bell doesn't dismiss class, the teacher does. Or the educator who insists that there will be no phones in class, not even to listen to music, and no food, and no talking to your friends. The teacher in this person's story was a veteran educator with forty years of experience under her belt. She was really stuck in her ways, too.
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'I didn't cut [my hair]. It fell out': 20+ Times kids were hilarious little troublemakers

‘I didn’t cut [my hair]. It fell out':
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'Breaking lots of things while juggling': 15+ Magic tricks that went wrong

'Breaking lots of things while juggling': 10+ Magic tricks that went hilariously wrong

Pick a card, any card… And hope your magician gets the trick right . The trick to nailing any kind of performance is practicing over and over and over again. Practice alone, in front of a crowd, in front of your parents, or in a park. The point is to get very comfortable with your performance. That way, if something goes wrong, it's no big deal! You'll be prepared for whatever happens, and able to quickly get back on track. Talented magicians know that their tricks take years to master. A lot o…
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'You told me to handle them, hence I handled them': Entitled mother loses it after shopper gets her kids thrown out of the store

'You told me to handle them, hence I handled them': Entitled mother loses it after shopper gets her kids thrown out of the store

It takes a certain kind of parent to let their kids run amok in a store. We understand that kids can get rowdy; that's inevitable. We also understand that this mother may have tried to calm them down in the past to no avail. That being said, once they start tampering with the store products and once they start actively disrupting other customers, it's time to take control and at least attempt to restore order. Not only did this woman refuse to try, but she ended up offloading her kids onto anot…
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'So brave of you to feed your kids chicken fingers!': 25 Backhanded compliments that surprised parents

'So brave of you to feed your kids chicken fingers!': 25 Backhanded compliments that surprised parents

Parents can get oddly competitive about their kids, and they have some backhanded compliments to dole out to parents they're intimidated by. They say it's not productive to compare your kid to others, but it's hard not to. If all the other babies are walking but your kid is still crawling, you might worry that they're behind. Other babies start talking very early on, while others don't speak in full sentences until they're two or three years old. It's understandable why parents would be concern…
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'Want me to shut up? OK': Condescending parents embarrassed after snubbing a highly-logical teenager on a long-distance road trip

Parents have a nasty habit of underestimating their kids. Perhaps this is because they cleaned our diapers and taught us not to eat the glitter glue, but once we were grown into teenagers, we had more of the world figured out than they imagined. In this next story, a highly logical teenager gets pushed to the side when some vacation hiccups turn into substantial problems.
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'We paid for everything': Guy invites ex on vacation, ex demands to be reimbursed for petty purchases

'We paid for everything': Guy invites ex on vacation, ex demands to be reimbursed for petty purchases

Would you vacation with your ex ? Some folks would, some wouldn't. It depends on your relationship with them: can you still trust them, do you still get along, will everyone actually have a good time? These are all good questions to consider. This dude, u/rduncang, writes that their relationship with their ex-wife has changed throughout the years. Things went well in their post-marriage life at first. However, after a few years, the ex's daughter began stealing from the OP (original poster). Th…
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'It was "bring your kid to work day"': Surprised job candidate reacts to being interviewed by an 11-year-old

'It was "bring your kid to work day"': Surprised job candidate reacts to being interviewed by an 11-year-old

You can be prepared for almost anything to happen at your job interview … Almost anything. Whether you're 16 or 61, interviewing for a job can be nerve-wracking. It helps to prepare beforehand by studying up on the company's history and rereading the job listing to make sure you can answer every question in the best possible way. After all, the more confident you feel about your skillset going into the job interview , the better you'll perform. Some companies like to throw you off by asking rea…
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'A guy wrote "Superman" as his answer on all 10 questions': 30 School assignments students turned in that surprised their teachers

'A guy wrote "Superman" as his answer on all 10 questions': 30 Ridiculous school assignments that students actually turned in

These teachers were baffled by the papers they received from their students. A lot of kids really don't want to go to school. They don't want to wake up at the crack of dawn, don't want to sit still in class all day, and they certainly aren't keen to work on homework. Luckily, there are plenty of brilliant teachers who can motivate their students to want to be there. Some teachers try to make their lessons modern by implementing movies, while others can make any lesson interesting with their ex…
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