

"Some idiot put this cake's writing in cursive!"

'Some idiot put this cake's writing in cursive!': Upset parent roasted by employee over dumb birthday cake dispute

A bakery employee shared this tale of a cake mixup that must have been the most embarrassing day this customer ever had. At least this worker never let it leave their memory — it's just too funny! Birthday parties are definitely one of the most fun parts of childhood, whether you were blowing out your own candles, or visiting someone else's house to give them gifts. But in all the commotion of parties, do kids really care about or notice their birthday cake? I don't think so, but this one woman…
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What's the worst lie you were told as a kid?

'What's the worst lie you were told as a kid?': 30+ Redditors share the hilarious and stupid things their parents clearly lied about

Parents, you may tell a few little white lies to your kid every now and then… but kids don't always realize you're stretching the truth.
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AITA: 'He's a deadbeat dad': Mooching husband shames wife and moves out as punishment for taking a weekend to herself after she slaves over 4 children and a full time job without his help

AITA: 'He's a deadbeat dad': Mooching husband shames wife and moves out as punishment for taking a weekend to herself after she slaves over 4 children and a full time job without his help

When a couple decides to have children, it's usually an unstated agreement that the children are BOTH adults' responsibility. However, sometimes folks forget that when you rear a human child, it is a ton of work on your own and is a task best suited for both parents to pitch in. Now, when you have 4 kiddos, that is a responsibility that is obviously quadrupled. One working woman and mother of four kids, recently got into a fight with her deadbeat husband about their shared parenting and Reddit…
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AITA: 'Stop packing your son disgusting and inappropriate lunches' : Tyrannical teacher commands mother to drastically change her kid's school lunches

AITA: 'Stop packing your son disgusting and inappropriate lunches' : Tyrannical teacher commands mother to drastically change her kid's school lunches

It's essential to maintain a good relationship with your kid's teachers, but sometimes they're such idiots that it can be difficult, if not impossible to have any genuine desire to do so. Teachers are still people with opinions, and although I condone free speech, I am also able to pass serious judgment on their opinions. This teacher in particular called up one of her student's mothers one day out of the blue, and wasted no time in telling her that ‘she must stop packing her son such disgustin…
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AITA for exposing an entitled neighbor?

'[They] roasted her brutally': Guy exposes entitled neighbor after she demands to borrow his only vehicle and blasts him online

No good deed goes unpunished, as one neighbor found out after being exposed on social media. It all started when this guy decided to get a nice sports car to drive around in during the summer months. He also has a “winter beater,” a run-down SUV that he drives during the winter months to preserve his sports car. However, the OP wrote that he has a young neighbor with kids, and she was in a bit of a financial struggle after a divorce. The OP decided to be nice to her and let her borrow the winte…
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'I refuse to lift a finger': Dude resists cleaning for his daughter's party after wife rejects his ideas

'I refuse to lift a finger': Dad resists cleaning for his daughter's party after wife rejects his ideas

Cleaning for a 5 year old's birthday party is pushing this couple into a huge fight. This couple has a 5 year old daughter, and they each work between 60-80 hours per week in legal careers. If that already sounds exhausting, they're also adding on the stress of organizing a party for their kiddo. The OP writes that his wife really wants this party held at their home, but she isn't satisfied with the cleanliness of their home. U/Silas_Of_The_Lambs, the OP, added that his wife needs the place to…
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'That's a ridiculous rate': Entitled vacationing family has a meltdown over childcare costs

'That's a ridiculous rate': Entitled vacationing family has a meltdown over childcare costs

This confused freelancer is unsure if they asked for way too much money to babysit their cousin's three youngsters. U/HENNYDEFN was pretty sure they weren't asking for too much money, but they checked with the r/AmItheA**hole community to be sure. As the OP writes, they're actually a software engineer who freelances on the side. They make between $40-$60 per hour at their official roles, but they were willing to offer a family discount when their cousin asked them to babysit . This cousin is br…
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Canada neighbors kids snow cars truck entitled winter frozen windshield wipers - 19538181

'AITA for refusing to help my neighbor?': Snowy snafu turns entitled woman against wise neighbor

This guy wondered if he was in the wrong for trying to be a good neighbor to some folks who made a snap judgement about him. As the OP, u/goodneighbor123 wrote to r/AmItheA**hole, he and his family moved to Ontario, Canada, where the conditions are frosty cold. Since he's familiar with the weather conditions , he writes that he often puts his wife's windshield wipers up before a storm. Then, he strolls the neighborhood to where his five other neighbors live and puts their wipers up for them, ju…
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What do you miss most about being a kid?

'I miss being in school concerts': 30+ Fail Blog fans reminisce about childhood's best and worst moments

Childhood can be a wonderful time full of carefree play time and roaming the outdoors . We asked our Facebook audience what they miss most about their own time as a kid, and the answers were quite varied and often wholesome! Lots of people reflected on the time they spent with parents, grandparents, and other family members . What could be better than waking up with zero responsibilities and all the time in the world to play with your friends? Some of you reminisced on the magical ways that you…
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AITA for not accommodating my niece?

'Your SIL is an entitled parent': Party host gets yelled at by her SIL over food choices

Planning and hosting a kid's birthday party is stressful enough, but this woman's entitled sister-in-law made it so much worse. This OP shared her story with the internet, since she was seeking helpful opinions on whether or not she was the jerk in this situation. As the OP, u/haley××2 wrote, she was planning a birthday party for her kiddo, age 8, and inviting a bunch of people over. The OP invited her sister in law and niece, age 6, to the party as well. Since her niece has several allergies,…
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‘I’m Not Responsible for Your Tiny Idiots’ : Reckless Parents Expect Server to Babysit Kids, Blame Him When Kids Ultimately Smash Restaurant Property to Smithereens

‘I’m Not Responsible for Your Tiny Idiots’ : Reckless Parents Expect Server to Babysit Kids, Blame Him When Kids Ultimately Smash Restaurant Property to Smithereens

Oh no, the waiter isn't a babysitter, how terrible...
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AITA for asking my brother and SIL to control their kids while they were staying over?

'Try and wear earbuds like normal people': Brother tells sister to let his kids 'express themselves,' tattles to their parents

It's always awkward to try and parent someone else's kid, but this woman thinks she did the right thing by asking her brother to make his kids behave . U/C_E_Ki wrote to the r/AmItheA***** subreddit with an important question regarding her family. She writes that she and her GF hosted her brother, his wife, and their two young kids , both under age 5. The OP writes that she was never crazy about the idea, as she and her brother never seem to get along that well when they hang out. But after the…
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AITA for not keeping up with my wife's cleaning demands?

'She simply doesn't want to live in a sty': Husband asks if his wife is crazy after she calls him 'lazy and a slob'

“I had a major fight with my wife,” one guy admitted in a post asking if he was the a******, writing “I almost feel like I'm the one [who is] crazy.”
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Wholesome Children's ICU Nurse With a Hardcore Mohawk Draws New Designs in His Hair Everyday to Entertain His Kiddo Patients

Wholesome Children's ICU Nurse With a Hardcore Mohawk Draws New Designs in His Hair Everyday to Entertain His Kiddo Patients

Critical care units at the hospital can be a bleak place, but one post-punk ICU nurse has one way to keep everyone smiling: his elaborate mohawk. Some people were just born to bring color into the world and Zach is no exception, expressing himself every day at work with the mega-fin on his head and colorful bursting designs. At the beginning of the pandemic, Zach struggled to find ways to keep his own kids at home entertained so to pass the time (and have some fun_, he shaved his head into a 6"…
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AITA for giving my ex wife a large amount of money I won despite the anger of my gf?

'Next time you win the lottery, call your *current* girlfriend first': Lottery winner asks 'AITA?' for calling his ex-wife upon winning millions

If you won millions in the lotto, what's the first thing you would do? For many of us, our first instinct would be to call our immediate family and best friends to share the news! But this guy called his ex-wife right after his parents — and his actual current GF is steaming mad about it! Not only did this guy called his ex first , he offered her some of the money. While some people in the comments immediately began to question his motives, he makes it pretty clear: he had kids with his ex . He…
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aita destructive lego kids brother hobby - 19289093

'The set has over 7,000 pieces': Guy demands sister replace expensive toy, but she tells him he's 'overreacting'

Hobbies take many shapes and sizes, from cooking to knitting to painting. This guy's hobby is collecting and building Lego kits, but unfortunately his family doesn't see his passion as a real hobby at all. In a post to r/AmItheA******, u/swlego_fan wrote about an incident that happened when he asked his sister, her husband, and their kid to keep an eye on his two dogs while traveling. The OP said he directed his nephew to a big box of Lego pieces for him to build and play with. The only thing t…
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