

Jesus is a figure in ancient history that is the focal point of one of the largest religions in the world. So it's natural tat any number of jokes and memes come out of a being so famous and well-known. From RaptorJesus to classic memes, there's something for everyone for the father of Christianity.

Religion 101

faith jesus religion - 6401815296
Created by dbflyo

That Must've Been One Epic Bash

jesus jesus christ last supper - 6382193664

And That's How Babies Are Made

faith god jesus - 6393467392

Dear Humanity: Get Crunk! Sincerely, God

god hangovers jesus jesus christ - 6369351680

And I Thought Getting Nailed to a Cross by Your HANDS Was Bad Enough ...

faith jesus religion typo - 6313801216

Allfather, That Art in Asgard ...

jesus Thor - 6346776576
Created by GalacticToast

Jesus Didn't Buy American

bible cars faith jesus religion - 6310782208

Autocowrecks: I Think You've Had Enough

autocorrected AutocoWrecks drunk g rated had enough jealous jesus - 6257396480
Created by Caitlin Brian

Self-Poortraits: I Guess JC Wanted to Get in on the Trend

faith jesus self poortraits - 6297566976

I Don't Think That's What Jesus Would Do

driving jesus - 6269108736
Created by Unknown

Defense Against the Dark Parts

christian dating Harry Potter jesus religion sex - 5223469056
Created by Unknown

Use Your Imagination

jesus Ralph Wiggum the simpsons - 6264453376

After 12: Wisdom From Ol' Blue Eyes

after 12 alcohol bible christianity frank sinatra g rated god Hall of Fame jesus jesus christ - 6250044416

The Inevitable Christian Rock Version

call me maybe carly rae jepsen faith jesus religion - 6235053568

Bros: Jesus Is VERY VERY VERY Disappointed in You People!

gay homosexual jesus - 6230565632

Like If You're Breathing!

africa jesus Kony like satan - 6172937216

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