

AITA: 'You're an adult, not a princess': Stick-in-the-mud husband slams imaginative wife for playing make-believe games with their young daughter, ruining her childhood in the process

AITA: 'You're an adult, not a princess': Stick-in-the-mud husband slams imaginative wife for playing make-believe games with their young daughter, ruining her childhood in the process

The best part about being a child is playing imaginary games with your friends, parents, or siblings. One day you're a riotous pirate, the next day you're a princess in a tower, and the day after that, you can be a mermaid on a beach. With your imagination, you can go anywhere and be anything.
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People describe the various dumbest things that they feared as kids | postmoderngeisha 6h time before old enough realize too large be sucked down bathtub drain.

Dumbest Things People Feared As Kids

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