group projects

'Giovanni didn't show up': College student proves teacher's pet did zero work on group project, classmate gets reprimanded

'Giovanni didn't show up': College student proves teacher's pet did zero work on group project, entitled classmate gets reprimanded

7th grader strikes deal with teacher after classmate does zero work on group project, sabotaging their school presentation: 'I got a 98% on the project, and [he] got a big, fat ZERO'

7th grader strikes deal with teacher after classmate does zero work on group project, sabotaging their school presentation: 'I got a 98% on the project, and [he] got a big, fat ZERO'

university Professors professor teacher teachers Terrible Teacher group projects homework

Professor demands student presentations adhere to strict schedule, student vows to hold them to their word: 'We’re presenting now, to an empty room, or you’re giving us [a] 100'

student university students college student problems group projects Professors college student - 37030661

Group project partner refuses to do any of the work, even when the member doing all the work falls ill:'He acted as if he was entitled to get an A like I did'

Slacker student gets his when he is exposed for his non-participation in group project, professor is in on the plan

Straight-A student conspires with professor and group mate to expose slacker student's non-participation in major group project: ‘[This] is going to be fun’

Student trickster uses his kindness to get a 10/10 on a school project he doesn't contribute to, in a tasteful turn of events that makes this petty revenge wholesome

‘The least you could do is repay me’: Student is left to do the heavy lifting for a school project, decides to trick his group mate into getting him a 10/10 on their next project and ends up on top

Group project slackers shocked to receive failing grade, while their hard-working teammates performed well:  'I got an A in the class'

Group project slackers shocked to receive failing grade, while their hard-working teammates performed well: 'I got an A in the class'

College student exposes professor's favorite for doing zero work on their group project: 'Giovanni didn't show up'

College student exposes professor's favorite for doing zero work on their group project: 'Giovanni didn't show up'

'I realize I didn't contribute much': 10+ Group projects that are destined to get zeros

'I realize I didn't contribute much': 10+ Group projects that are destined for failure

Teacher Gets Epic Payback on Group of Slackers During Senior Ditch Day

Teacher Gets Epic Payback on Group of Slackers During Senior Ditch Day

school student students revenge group projects petty revenge project - 24128005

'A blank slide showed up on the screen': Student exposes their lazy group project partner in front of the entire school

‘You don’t get any credit': Student presents project to entire school, making sure classmate doesn't get any credit, leading to classmate getting removed from school program

‘You don’t get any credit': Student presents project to entire school, making sure classmate doesn't get any credit, leading to classmate getting removed from school program

pro revenge student petty-revenge-reddit students revenge revenge-stories group projects petty revenge group revenge-stories-reddit - 23330053

'I made her fail': Student tells of getting paired with her tormentor for a group project, makes sure she fails

‘I did the workload of 3 people’: Computer science student spends over 150 hours on the code for a group project, doing the workload of 3 people; his team takes credit for all of it

‘I did the workload of 3 people’: Computer science student spends over 150 hours on the code for a group project, doing the workload of 3 people; his team takes credit for all of it

pro revenge student university students malicious compliance revenge college student problems group projects petty revenge group college student - 22816261

'We knew we were playing with fire': Professors fail students, students tell dean, dean fails professors

pro revenge student university students revenge college student problems group projects petty revenge group college student - 22400517

'This has been a learning experience: Clueless project member gets failed for lack of contribution

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