

god Music albums religious lol church vintage - 16286725

Freaky Old Religious Albums That Have Less And Less Context Every Day

Times change, but album jackets stay the same. There was an era when what America wanted was dudes in suits singing about God, as well as family bands featuring women with the largest hair that you ever did see. For quit a few of these people it feels like the whole religious aspect was more of a stepping stone to get their ventriloquism careers off the ground, but how can we judge? it's not like you see us putting in the time to learn how to drink a glass of water while making a doll tell peop…
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tumblr thread on becoming a god of ants | cerothenull S quinnred probablybadrpgideas If Cthulhu can be summoned by humans who are so far beneath why can't humans be summoned by ants answer is they should be. 20thcenturyvole Well if bunch ants formed circle my house l'd certainly notice, try figure out where they'd all come and possibly wreak destruction there. | weasowl 's why knowing and correctly pronouncing true name is so important ritual. Imagine impossible would be not go take look if

Tumblr Thread: Becoming an Ant God

Behold, my empire of sugar and dead ants.
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Funny joke tweets about how god designed animals | tweet by tricycle_champ [god making bats] GOD: just like hairy black potato with wings ANGEL: um GOD: ANGEL: god? GOD: also sleeps upside down like an idiot

Funny Tweets about God Making Animals

Most of them seem like a bad idea.
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Tumblr thread about death good being a good guy | mikkeneko concept death god is actually surprisingly supportive and on side good guys, supporting actions and promoting policies will lead kingdom growing and thriving instead being destroyed, because more kingdom grows more people there are, and more people there are more people will eventually die, and an immortal god death know there's no need rush get them all end mikkeneko like responses on this post are cleanly split between "hey this is gr

Tumblr Thread: A Death God that's Not a Bad Guy

Paging Hades and Terry Pratchett...
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Tumblr thread about being ant god resulting in ant war | cerothenull S quinnred probablybadrpgideas If Cthulhu can be summoned by humans who are so far beneath why can't humans be summoned by ants answer is they should be. 20thcenturyvole Well if bunch ants formed circle my house l'd certainly notice, try figure out where they'd all come and possibly wreak destruction there. | weasowl 's why knowing and correctly pronouncing true name is so important ritual. Imagine impossible would be not go ta

Tumblr Turns Ant Thread Into A Holy War

Next stop, Ant Crusades.
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twitter account of satan

Satan Has A Twitter Account And His Social Media Game Is Strong

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funny god creating animals

14 Animals That Made People Wonder What God Was Thinking

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twitter fun

22 Hilarious Tweets About How God Made Different Stuff

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funny tweets of god making life on this planet

16 Hilarious Tweets About How God Made Different Plants and Animals

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FAILS god FAIL hooters facebook old people - 4752901

10 Elderly Facebook Fails

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funny church signs

14 Intelligently Designed Church Signs

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The Share War

bacon god like share - 6470224896
animals funny god twitter - 860421

The Internet Has a Pretty Good Idea How God Created Animals and It's Hilarious

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I Wasn't Ready for This

god baby parenting - 8796739072
Via aceofspadesventura

Relationship Goals

god relationships dating - 8792799744
Via myohmariah444

Who Would Jesus Do?

Via Hashi856
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