

College Girls Get Petty Revenge on Toxic Roommates, Moving Out Unannounced and Taking Everything but the Kitchen Sink

College Girls Get Petty Revenge on Toxic Roommates, Moving Out Unannounced and Taking Everything but the Kitchen Sink

What do you get when you cram 6 college girls into a tiny, off-campus house for a year? Drama . No matter which way you slice it, a group of that many females is going to fracture at some point, creating factions of opposition, passive aggression, and pettiness of Biblical scale. One woman named Claire recalls a time when her and her 5 other friends were all very close– during their junior year of college –but that was before they all moved in together and noticed that each other's quirks were…
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Update: 'She wanted me out of the picture': Friend frames husband for cheating so that she can profess her undying love to his wife

This post is crazy. Like positively insane… Whether or not you believe the legitimacy of it, it makes for some brilliant reading that scratches a “true-crime” itch. There's just something astounding about reading stories with this level of gaslighting, manipulation, and scheming—especially since most of us probably can't even fathom actually behaving in this way. Perhaps some of the satisfaction comes from trying to suspend yourself from your normal train of thought and imagine just what that p…
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AITA For Asking My Friend For a Piece of Chocolate?

'You're not friends. You are her boss': Clueless manager forces employee to give her the last bite of her chocolates

This manager went into work on her day off just to bully her so-called “friend/employee." In this insane story told to r/AmItheA**hole, the OP described an interesting work situation she's got going on. The 34 year old manager went into her retail job on her day off, probably because she considers her employees to be her friends. Not that bosses and employees can't be friends in theory, but there's got to be some boundaries drawn, and this clueless boss has some major issues with that.
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Sat down on my friend's MacBook and broke it, offered to pay her the money for it but now she wants more because "she was upgrading anyway" so it's this or she will sue me in small claims court.

Update! 'She gave the judge an attitude': Woman demands extra money for a brand new MacBook after friend sits on her old computer

One person wondered if they were at fault for the full cost of a new MacBook after breaking their friend's computer.
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Wife gets fed up with her husband's relationship with his "close" friend Carl, the internet is suspicious of their relationship.

This wife has finally reached her wit's end with her husband's relationship with his close friend Carl. The two are inseparable, and her husband even describes Carl as his "nicotine," He just can't quit "it." Things hit their breaking point when her husband invited Carl to accompany them on their couple's getaway. Her husband thought it wouldn't be a problem for them to cram Carl into their two-person room with only one bed. The wife got the shock of her life when she found out her husband plan…
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OOP’s asks if she’s an a****** for NOT getting a tattoo

Update: 'My friends said... I could always get [it] lasered off': Friend group pressures woman to get random tattoo, and the shop agrees with them

With friends like these, who needs enemies? In a satisfying update to her original post, this OOP shared the story of her and her friends trying to get tattoos and piercings together, only to get kicked out by the studio! This woman and her friends headed to a tattoo parlor . The OOP's friends encouraged her to try out a ball machine at the studio that randomly selects a tattoo for the user. However, what OOP didn't know was that after she chose a ball, she was apparently obligated to get a tat…
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Woman wants to save her friend from an unideal proposal, internet intervenes

We want the best for those that we care about—this can sometimes present a moral quandary… Is it ethical to do something that would be otherwise unethical if it saves said loved one from certain disaster? This can be incredibly difficult to get your head around, providing a much more difficult philosophical dilemma than whether or not someone is wrong for stealing their roommate's cat. The idea of doing harm to prevent a greater one brings a certain trolley problem to mind: Is it wrong to do so…
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Neighbors pull furniture theft prank, goes sideways when they have to keep it

Good pranks are harmless fun that gets a laugh out of everyone. Great pranks get back at that original prank in a relevant way that maintains the fun while also ensuring the appropriate revenge is exacted. So, what should you do when you discover that your friends next door have taken all of your furniture? Well, let them keep it—of course! That's what these roommates did when they arrived home to discover that all of their furniture had disappeared; they decided to make the most of the situati…
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Top Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (February 16, 2023)

Top Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (February 15, 2023)

Every once in a while, you come across a minor inconvenience that makes you want to scream.
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'He is only worthy of love when he's fit and attractive': Narcissistic mean girl makes fun of her formerly overweight friend, jealously belittling him in public

'He is only worthy of love when he's fit and attractive': Narcissistic mean girl makes fun of her formerly overweight friend, jealously belittling him in public

Mean girls will always be the mean girl. It's as if they have a toxic cloud of rude energy that surrounds them and compels them to be complete jerks to the people around them, manipulating people's insecurities and using deep trauma and feeble attention seeking tactics to control the people around them. One super extra mean girl, u/blueisnotcreative , is the worst kind of mean girl– the kind that plays innocent and pretends to be everyone's friend. Yuck. Recently, Blue posted on AITA, asking if…
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AITA for doing an Irish exit at a restaurant so I wasn't stuck with the bill?

'You need to find new dinner companions': Dude questions if their friends should be angry at them for walking out on a meal

This dude ducked out of a dinner party early, making his friends absolutely furious. Some people will always take advantage of your generosity! In this post to r/AmItheA******, u/OldAbbreviations6423 had a pressing question regarding his current friend group. The OP is in the awkward position of being one of the higher earners in their friend group, so they've kindly covered tips in the past while the group was out dining. But the OP noticed an interesting pattern of their friends over ordering…
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AITA for leaving my "friends" wedding when she told me I needed to cover up my psoriasis?

'Brides are going too far these days': Bridezilla asks friend to leave her wedding to cover up her psoriasis

Just because it's your wedding doesn't mean you can be the worst friend ever.
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When your friend blocks you because you didn’t give her money after your mom died.

'Did you really unfriend me?': Grief stricken friend gets blocked by entitled person for not sending money to baby registry

It doesn't get more entitled and tone-deaf than this...
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AITA for telling a girl to stop wasting food?

'All of your friends told you not to say something': College student asks 'AITA?' for questioning woman's cafeteria habit

One college student took to Reddit to ask if she was in the wrong for a cafeteria eating disagreement, and she probably didn't expect that people would end up calling her a bully! College cafeterias are a multipurpose space where you can dine with friends, chug a coffee while typing on your laptop, or eat alone while scrolling on your phone or doing homework. And of course, at many colleges, this is the main or only dining option — you can't just avoid the cafe. One OP posted to r/AmITheA******…
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AITA for telling my roommate that speaking a language is not a personality and she needs a new one?

'I told her she’s boring and has to fake her personality': Woman is jealous that her roommate speaks multiple languages, gets roasted online

Jealousy isn't a great personality either, my friend!
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AITA- Am I the asshole for making a coworker upset when I corrected her that we were just “coworkers” and not “friends”?

'You totally bombed that social interaction': Employee tells coworker on last day that they are not friends

We all have that one coworker...
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