
‘Her face burning red with embarrassment’: Karen tries to swipe aisle seat from rightful paying owner, gets tricked into leaving and satisfyingly shamed

‘Her face burning red with embarrassment’: Karen tries to swipe aisle seat from rightful paying owner, gets tricked into leaving and satisfyingly shamed

 airport Flight flights Airport flying passenger airplane plane funny askreddit Opinion opinions funny stories ask reddit TSA suitcase

'Why are you carrying 10 packages of stroopwafels to Rome?': 25+ Strange discoveries airport security workers found in suitcases

 Flight flights Airport seats flying seating passenger airplane plane Hotel hotels hotel room hotel guest guests travel travelling

'[I] was locked out of my hotel in 110°+ Florence heat': 20+ Travel trials and tribulations from tourists who couldn't catch a break

Business changes expense policies, loyal employee gets to take cabs everywhere: 'The company just had to pay double'

Business changes expense policies, loyal employee gets to take cabs everywhere: 'The company just had to pay double'

'I plunked down my credit card and bought the last seat': Entitled airline flyer berates customer, not knowing he's actually a pilot

'I plunked down my credit card and bought the last seat': Entitled airline flyer berates customer, not knowing he's actually a pilot

'Entitled business class ticket holder Karen spotted my service dog': Woman fakes dog allergy, insists airline move her seat

'Entitled business class ticket holder Karen spotted my service dog': Woman fakes dog allergy, insists airline move her seat

'For the first time... he had nothing to say': Entitled passenger whines for an entire flight, gets confronted by fed-up passenger

'For the first time... he had nothing to say': Entitled passenger whines for an entire flight, gets confronted by fed-up passenger

'So much drama on the plane right now': Couple shares text messages about their plan to annoy dude on their flight

'So much drama on the plane right now': Couple shares text messages about their plan to annoy dude on their flight

'She won...': Passenger on a short flight is sat next to woman who proceeds to portray the epitome of ‘bad’ airplane edict

'She won...': Passenger on a short flight is sat next to woman who proceeds to portray the epitome of ‘bad’ airplane edict


'I politely told her [no]… She kept yelling:' Karen mom thinks son is entitled to window seat during flight, demands unwilling woman switches with her, flight attendants put her in her place

Mom insists business traveller give up her first-class seat: 'I didn't think it was fair'

Mom insists business traveller give up her first-class seat: 'I didn't think it was fair'

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'Pilot: "I'm not flying this"': Airline industry workers share the wildest things they've ever seen

'One of our pilots landed with passengers at the wrong airport': 20 Airport incidents that only frequent flyers and airline staffers got to witness

'One of our pilots landed, with passengers, at the wrong airport': 20 Crazy airport incidents that only frequent flyers and airline staffers got to witness

'Petty airport security overdoes it': Airport security agent on a 'power trip' foiled by quick-thinking traveller

'Petty airport security overdoes it': Airport security agent on a 'power trip' foiled by quick-thinking traveller

'I'm here to party, not sleep': Traveller ends friendship after a girls trip gone wrong

'I'm here to party, not sleep': Traveller ends friendship after a girls trip gone wrong

'[She] does not like to wait': Boyfriend asks partner to pick up his mother from the airport, partner arrives late because 'the old lady could've waited a bit'

'[She] does not like to wait': Boyfriend asks partner to pick up his mother from the airport, partner arrives late because 'the old lady could've waited a bit'

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