
‘Abracadabra, amor-ooh-na-na’: Why Lady Gaga’s newest return to form feels more authentic in its weirdness

‘Abracadabra, amor-ooh-na-na’: Why Lady Gaga’s newest return to form feels more authentic in its weirdness

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Husband confronts pop-star-obsessed 42-year-old wife after she goes all out with themed Christmas decorations: ‘She had decorated the Christmas tree entirely with Taylor Swift-themed ornaments…’

‘You Messed With the Wrong Cosplayer’ : Entitled Lady Insults Cosplayer on Online Fandom, He Plays Ultimate Long Game of Revenge, Leading To Her Losing $25,000 Prize in Social Media Contest

‘You Messed With the Wrong Cosplayer’ : Entitled Lady Insults Cosplayer on Online Fandom, He Plays Ultimate Long Game of Revenge, Leading To Her Losing $25,000 Prize in Social Media Contest

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10 TV Shows That Aren’t Nearly As Smart As Fans Think They Are

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Couple Plans to Name Their Child After 'Star Wars' Character, Angry That Family Isn't Supporting Them

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Harry Potter Obsessed Parents Force Their Fandom on Their Children, They're Now Getting Old Enough to Rebel

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Tumblr User's Mom Discovers Cosplayer Words Of Power To Summon Aid

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Tumblr User Assumes That Sauron Isn't Sexy, Gets Told the Truth

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The School of Fandom Wants to Ship You and Your Classmates

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Twilight Wedding Dress

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Support for the Geek Girl

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