

‘My Brain Is Glitching’ : 18 Strange and Unusual Perspectives by Talented Photographers Who Tricked The Internet

‘My Brain Is Glitching’ : 18 Strange and Unusual Perspectives by Talented Photographers Who Tricked The Internet

Are you certain of what you see?
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twitter thread on vision and saccades

Twitter Thread on Saccades Explains That Human Vision Is Made Out of Lies

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eye tricking confusing double take moments

Freaky Double Take Moments That Had Our Eyes Thoroughly Tricked

What's going on there?
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wholesome game eyes wheres waldo test - 107635201

Dude's Wholesome Hiding Video Is Real Life Where's Waldo

Simple, but fun.
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Confusing pictures that play with perspective and create optical illusions | pics taken at the right moment perfectly timed kettle that lets out a stream of steam that is actually snowy mountains in the background crane holding up the moon

Double-Take Inducing Images of Skewed Perspective

Eyes will be duped.
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Images of warped perspective that make people double take | photo taken at the perfect timing Buddha statue holding an airplane | carpet pattern that makes the floor look uneven

Confusing Images to Inspire Some Double Takes

It's like eye exercise!
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photos of strange perspective that produce optical illusions. | Bed Bath and Beyond store sign that looks like it reads Death & Beyond | motorcycle driving on a sandy dune raising dust behind

Double Take Moments of Optical Weirdness

It doesn't take much to trick the eyes.
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interesting real life optical illusions | three Italian greyhound dogs on a bed with one looking as if it has an unnaturally long neck | split screen TV news with one reporter dressed in a jacket that makes her seem as if she has an abnormally large head and tiny body

Eye-Defying Optical Illusions of Double-Takery

Give those eyes some exercise.
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Optical illusions made by perspective | calico cat walking on sand and a spot on her coat that looks like a hole through her body. plastic cup on wet ground that looks like it spilled a dry spot out

Double-Take Inducing Photos of Intriguing Perspective

Brains are dumb.
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Real life optical illusions made by strange perspective | young girl holding a bag of popcorn that looks exactly like the dry grass she's standing on making her look like she has abnormally thin legs. cat sitting across a person's arm while they're using the computer making it appear as if the person's hand is going through the cat's body

Confusing Images of Abundant Double-Takery

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Real life optical illusions and photos of confusing perspective.

Double-Take Inducing Photos of Strange Perspective

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pennywise horror surprising clown Movie impression eyes lol goofy silly funny weird - 99822081

Talented Woman Does Startling "It" Audition

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Pictures that look amazing, confusing and too cool to be real.

Eye-Defying Pictures That Seem Too Unrealistic To Not Be Photoshopped (79 Images)

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Images of real life optical illusions that are confusing to the eye, cause double takes.

Eye-Defying Photos of Weird Perspective

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Weird Perspective Optical Illusions

27 Images of Weird Perspective that Produced Real-Life Optical Illusions

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real life optical illusions that will make you look twice

27 Real-Life Optical Illusions to Freak Your Eyes Out

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